Okay, I know I have some buddies who tune in on occasion to see if there is anything interesting going on in Lulus world. (so far, I bet you've been disappointed) Well it's YOUR turn to entertain me. I am going to see if this will motivate some of my quiet readers to do a little writing. Let's have a contest! I need AT LEAST 4 participants guys! There will even be a Prize awarded! ( to be announced later, after I think of a good one!) Just tell me Your funniest Childhood memory! That's it ! Make it as detailed as you can. Reach back to those fun, carefree days of your youth. What is that one story that you always reminisce about? I bet these stories will make us all smile. I promise to be an impartial judge. So - get thinking and writing.... and let's see .. we need an entry expiration date.... Lets say August 17th.
Good Luck!
3 days ago