I am going to reveal my secret identity that I've kept a secret for too long now.
I am not a boring housewife from Long Island.
I am a broadway star. I dance with high kicks. I sing with High notes. I get paid High scale.
I get standing ovations every show.
I've been in all the real big ones... Cats, Le Mis, Chicago.. most recently Mamma Mia
I'm waiting to be called for a new one... It's going to be huge... Reserve your tickets now
It's called
"The Lies you tell strangers while playing cyber backgammon."
It's such a fun show, It makes you feel naughty and guilty!
Backgammon has never been so much fun!
Hope to see you there. I will be autographing my photos in the chat room.
for more secret identites go to
Sunday Scribblings
3 days ago
Well if your doing that, I'm working for The Rolling Stone interviewing all the latest rock stars!
You never cease to amaze me with your humor...I’m laughing out loud....I’ve worked on mine, will post later! I’ll apologize ahead for it! Yes and I am a billionaire too…with a comb over!
Well done!!!
Love and hugs Sherrie
hee hee ... what a fantastic secret identity :)
That was fabulous!!!
Yay for you....I love it!
terrific sense of humor. And why shouldn't you be anything else than a dancer??
Why not, indeed! Thanks for making me laugh.
Surreptitious Self
Oh gosh Lucy, I thought that looked like YOU onstage near to ME! Wasn't that last Bob Fosse number a wicked pissa? Let's go out to eat after the show and count points together, eh?
Love, The Hip Hop, Tap Dancing Spider
There's more truth to your tale than you know. The Entity did not give you the power to recall past incarnations, but I remember you very well from courtesan days in 1756.
Must be some of it is creeping into your conciousness.
Very funny. Nice piee.
This is very cute. I can't wait to get your autographed photo. Are you cuddling with a backgammon board?!
It' so funny to me how Impressed people were when I was in my secret identity! As I was chatting and playing backgammon, we would discuss our occupations and this one really had people excited! I sometimes felt bad afterward especially when someone wanted to see my photo and hear all the great details! haha thanks for all the nice comments!
Hee! Isn't it fun to lie like that sometimes? Great take on the prompt!
Very clever indeed!! Cannot wait to see your next performance. Cheers, JP
You are so imaginative Lucy. I'm sorry I missed this SS but I was enjoying myself on a scrapbook retreat for the weekend with the girls. I secretly like to sit all day and scrapbook my head off. LOL
Talk to you soon:o)
Your secret identity is great - I like it.
There's no business like show business!
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