This title is the Sunday Scribblings prompt for this week. I have been wanting to re-post my first blog post and another old one because many friends have asked me, Why I chose the name "Lulus Petals". Due to the fact that I am still struggling with an infection in my finger after one week, It would be a way of participating without too much pain! So here is my first post and 1/2 the explanation........Having decided to try my hand at blogging, my first obstacle was a name. My name has never sat well with me. My parents named me after my fathers mother. Lucille. No offense to all the Lucille's out there, but I never cared for that name. I also had never cared for the nickname that came from Lucille. LuLu. Since I was a wee little baby, my family called me LuLu. For many years ( like "baby" in Dirty Dancing) I didn't realize there was anything wrong with the name. Then my first passionate kiss at age 12! This innocent young boy (Eric) whispered " Oh LuLu". Well, the silliness of that name had me laughing instead of kissing. He felt uncomfortable and I felt my name didn't fit me. To the rescue my big sister- who suggests I take the Lu from Lucille and the Anne of my middle name and become Luanne! A New Lu is born. From that day forth I introduced my self to everyone as Luanne. In school I was still Lucille, At home the LuLu would not die. At my wedding I had the priest call me Lucille ( for my moms sake mostly) and several friends afterward said how sorry they were that the priest got my name wrong! I never legally changed my name so the confusion has been troublesome. Well, here I am now many, many years later, My husband and my friends call me Luanne. My mom still throws an occasional LuLu at me, which I now do not mind at all. After all the hoopla and insecurity and awkward circumstances..... I wish I would have just been.... a Lucy.
This second SHORT post explains the other half
I never expected this to happen, But I've introduced myself to all my new friends at Weight Watchers as Lucy. All my new wonderful cyber friends email me as Lucy and even my husband has affectionately thrown a few Lucy's at me.( Usually in his Best Ricky Ricardo voice!) I plan on using it in all my new introductions! It may be wacky to want a new name at 48, but I've never denied being a bit of a Wacko!
3 days ago
I LOVE IT!!!!!Lucy lulu....oops... I mean Lucy!! No more lulu for you you!!! haha!! I have read your whole did I ever forget that!! Are we not women? Well then we are allowed to change our minds at anytime!!! I love LUCY!!! Always have!
Love and hugs Sherrie
Ps Pepper is in Toronto until Monday....I wish you could have popped across the border to meet her! Probably hours away though, well it was a dream!
I, too, have never been in love with my name, though thankfully have been protected from nicknames.
Fabulous post.
I love my name and I don't have a nickname.
This is so interesting! I love how you found your name, I love the name Lucy, it is totally cute!
I've always been Michelle, only Mom can get away with calling me Shelly or Shell-Bell, with anyone else, it just sounds strange to my ears.
Thank you for your kind words about Miss Zuzu, who is much better by the way. Her name is derived from the German phrase, "Um zuzuschauen."
Such an interesting post! I don't like my name either - I did a post about it once ( I really feel that if you don't like your name you should be free to change it as often as you feel you need to. Lucy is a lovely name :-)
I've had names through the years - seems like each friend (and not so) calls me something different. My favorite is Grammy Soup.
An interesting and well written post!
Lucille, Lulu, Luanne, or my dear friend, Lucy ~ You're a sweetie by any name.
i adore that you have changed your name to suit who you are and if at 48 you are lucy, so be it : ) i love the name lucy ... xox
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