I've always admired Powerful women. Women who walk into a room and own it. Women who can shake hands firmly yet know they still own their femininity. They're the Women who are the first to speak up at a PTA meeting and touch on the issues most of the shy Moms wouldn't dare broach, but are relieved someone has aired. They run for office, they run marathons, They run successful businesses. They are leaders. This type of assertiveness is just one kind of Powerful woman. ALL women are powerful in emotional strength, in loving and in multi-tasking. Women can take on their own troubles, the troubles of their spouses, their children, their friends, their friends children, their parents and their Grand-parents, while chasing toddlers, paying bills, working full time, food shopping, cooking, cleaning, nurturing their families, entertaining guests, driving to little league and organizing a garage sale. (That is all on the same day!) A woman can and will handle whatever comes her way, usually never skipping a beat or sacrificing her families harmony. Self sacrifice seems to go hand and hand with being a woman. We just naturally put our loved ones ahead of ourselves. We love unconditionally. We want to give everything of ourselves. We bond with other women lending support and comfort. We can endure whatever we're dealt with poise and tactfulness. We laugh wholeheartedly, we cry wholeheartedly. We love wholeheartedly. Women are just naturally built with this passionate, massive, internal power.
I send this out with love & respect to all the women I know and treasure.
3 days ago
Beautiful post! Where would we be without the power of a woman!
Anna said...
Well written and Right Back At you.
Such a poignant piece full of truth and power! This was a goose bumps moment for me! We women are amazing creatures aren’t we!!!! Thank you for this terrific post honoring women! All women!
Love and hugs Sherrie
I have always been drawn to strong women. Only a weak man wants a pushover. I am so grateful I found a strong women who would do me the honors of being of marrying me.
Excellent reminder of the different kinds of power! Thanks
Womaen are powerful whether thy realise it or not. They are stronger in all respect. Thanks for this post!
very excellent piece.. we all have the power,, incorporating it into our daily lives is somewhat trickier for some... but knowing it is there,, is half the battle.....
Loved this post! Thanks.
Right on sister!
thanks so much ladies ( and Herb!!) We could really fill several pages with all the amazing attributes of women!
Lucy dear,
You have surely made a lot of women very happy with this post. When you put it all down together like this, women can truly see how special and wonderful they really are. Beautiful writing!!!!
A powerful post that resonates with most women - you wrote it with such warmth and style! Nicely done...
These are things I admire in a powerful woman as well. Not someone who powers over others, but feels a confidence and a need to stamp out injustice. We are lucky to have such women in our lives to aspire to be like. Thanks for your post!
I feel more powerful just reading your terrific post! I LOVE being around powerful women who are balanced and open to mentoring and supporting other women who strive to reach their own potential.
Extraordinary post ... cheers & love to all the women out there who are challenging themselves, setting an example or simply & powerfully walking their walk. Peace and love to each of you, xx, JP/deb
this is beautiful ... xox
SPOT ON ... excellent, Thank YOU!
Yes! Yes! Yes! We are soemthin', aren't we?
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