First Job, Worst Job, Dream Job...... Wow Sunday Scribblings this made me have to stop, think and try to remember!
(my 2nd attempt at poetry blog rhyming)
Back when I was in beauty school, only seventeen and learning my trade
My mom hooked me up in a beauty parlor, working on the gray brigade
Roller sets, blue hair rinse, teasing and lots of cans of hairspray
condescending boss and workers making me feel uncomfortable each day
Large dome dryers a buzz, teasing gray hair into tall balls of fuzz
Sweeping, shampooing, perming and horrendous comb outs
Wishing I was doing cool cuts and the newest blow outs.
First job jitters makes this my worst job as well
Finally get the nerve to quit after a very short spell.
Shortly after this job I actually developed the nerve
to apply to the well renowned salon and school Of Mr.P. J
I was Young, lacking experience but had plenty of verve
He took me under his wing and taught me his way
advanced cutting and perming and client rapport
The atmosphere was happy my coworkers I adored
I learned professionalism, confidence and much, much more.
Dream Job realistically wouldn't be too much of a stray
from what I am doing each hairdressing day....
Instead of me performing miracles on someone's head
I'd be performing them on a Broadway stage instead!
The only way my dream could ever materialize
Is if I win The lottery and talent is the prize.!
3 days ago
You're funny! What makes you so sure you don't have any talent?
Cute poem, Lucy! The memories of your first job reminded me of sitting in the beauty salon watching my grandmother get her weekly 'do'. ~JP/deb
Brillant and funny! Good to be back. :)
How fun is this....sorry I read it before and didn't have time to comment!! Good job...
Hugs Sherrie
Thank goodness you weren't turned sour by that first job of your's. Instead, you plunged forward and learned your art from Mr. P.J., who know doubt knew a good thing when he saw her! I wish I lived closer because your clients are VERY LUCKY FOLKS.
And talent? You've got that and more, my friend.
your job sounds pretty dreamy!! you are totally someone i would trust with my hair :) xox
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