Sunday Scribblings claims they are lightening things up this week with this prompt. I disagree! This seems like THE most serious prompt so far... I mean think of the possibilities! If I was given the power of a Queen and could implement an act that could change peoples lives.... Geeez ... It's staggering. Where does a queen begin? Immediately, I though I Must end world hunger... But.... With war raging on and lives being destroyed... I must first bring Peace to the world. Peace... made me think of terrorism and racism..... I must fight hatred in our world.... Then I thought of the world, We must save the planet... But save made me think of Children... We must Save our children and protect their rights. Children made me think of schools... We must bring quality education to everyone! Quality.... brought quality health care to mind.....Everyone should be entitled to being healthy. Everyone... made me think of our pets... We must open more shelters and take care of all animals. Animals... makes me think of criminals... We must have steeper penalties to discourage crime. Penalties.... made me think of taxes....I demand Lower taxes for every worker and home owner! Home owner..... made me think of housing.... we all deserve contentment & affordable housing. .. Contentment... makes me think of cookies... Again we are back to world hunger... So I guess my first royal act would be delivering food (even cookies) to every hungry animal and human-being everywhere.
( I bet you're happy I'm an indecisive hairdresser instead)
Love it. There are very few dilemmas that can't be solved with cookies.
Cookies....I am the cookie monster...me loves cookies!!! I love how you developed this piece! Enjoyable read....I was half expecting you to say lets build more cookie factories!!! The world around us is in a sad state! The first thing I always do is feed people! I don't think you can accomplish much when you feel hungry! Well done!
Hugs Sherrie
Ending hunger-- with or without cookies-- sounds like a good queenly thing to do. I love the thinking that went into your decision. Very sound.
hey lulu....I totally agree with you, it is a daunting and serious proposition. But, I think you hit on all the biggies.....so I crown YOU!
As for me.........I decided to try my best at keeping it light (my last week's post was so serious) We're dancing up a storm at my kingdom.
Amazing how many things need done and how few get done. Cookies are a good thing - I think they might solve more than the hunger problem, for sure. Nice post!
Yes, the difficulty in what needs doing first is so pronounced. I do like the idea of feeding all of the hungry as the first step.
It appears your kingdom is much more user friendly than mine. I am waiting patiently for your cookie delivery. Something tells me you have a great cookie. LOL
Please feel free to link my blog to yours, it would be an honor. Thanks for reading. Rick
You are right: It is a serious subject! And there are so many serious problems, who can know where is the best place to start?
Food, shelter and clothing should be made mandatory for everyone. I like the thoughts.
I love this post - following your train of thought was fun. There is so much that needs to be done!
Dearest Lucy,
I hereby nominate you for President of the United States. And I ain't kidding...you're the only candidate that makes complete sense.
Love you,
wonderful!! and mmmm cookies from queen lucy, yummy!
Hi! Cookies can totally save the world, no joke. Awesome. Except none of them should have nuts, because then the townspeople would fight over their favorites, and then there would be more war.
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