January 11, 2022- Lucy of Lulus Petals receives first successful Brain transplant.
Tonight my son asked me to make him chicken pot stickers for dinner.- I make these often and don't need to read the directions on the back of the package. 5 minutes later... They were black as night and I realized why the were called 'stickers'. I said to him.. I don't know what went wrong, I made them the same way I usually do.... THEN I remembered I forgot to add the 1/2 cup of water to the pan which helps 'steam' them instead of burn them.
Today I sit down to write a Sunday Scribblings Post- The prompt is date... Hmm..." I know I will write about my first date with Peter." As I am almost done writing I think.... 'GEE this sounds more familiar than just a story I've told before'. Then I realize...' OH YEAH.. I've already blogged about this'. I delete the post based on that assumption.... Later on.... I hunt for the old post..... Ends up...I had only wrote about our first meeting not that first date. shit. Can't remember how I put it all into such sweet words.
This morning, instead of milk, I poured Passion fruit juice into my coffee. Finished showering, realized I had forgotten to hang a towel within reach. I also forgot to send my cousin a birthday card AND a credit card bill was due yesterday. (ca ching $35.00 late fee.) but the absolute clincher... making me THE future brain recipient..... I have misplaced baby pictures. Precious, VERY important pictures. I've hunted high and Low.... I have been feeling physically ill all week due to this dilemma. Even a new brain wouldn't help me remember where they are :(
It's only 6:30.... I wonder what else I will forget?
1 week ago
I forgot where I put my ID Card, so I went work without it and had to avoid standing face to face with my boss.
I forgot where I put my Hand phone.
I forgot a song on DDR, although Ibit sing it over and over again to me.
She said, "Mom, your brain is getting old..."
Are we dealing with the same problem?
My first time here I came on over from Sunday Scribblings. I love your post and can totally relate. I "lose" my cell phone at least 4 times a week, my keys just as often. I have gone into the bathroom to wash my face and left shutting off the light but not the water and I have to ask my mother every year what day it was that my grandfather passed away on 8 years ago - you would think after 8 years I would either write it down or remember.......
LOL How would you know the transplant brain didn't forget a fair share of stuff before it signed up for transplanting? I'd be leery. What if you got one like mine by mistake... or.
Welcome to mental Pause darlin! Diagnoses....menopausal A.D.D.! Brain fog here we come. Lucy now that you know you're not alone you can rest assured those pictures WILL turn up. Just let go and let god....I do. Then in the oddest moment things show up...trust me on this one...they really do. And just in case you're wondering you're not going crazy and you don't have a brain tumor....it's all a part of the process!
Love from
Half Brain
Sounds like a day in my life! Are you sure you're not the forgetfulone? tee hee! Loved the cartoon. How was the coffee, by the way?
It is SO encouraging to know that I am not the only one to have days like this!
Oh that terrible, forgetfulness of brain fog! The thing is, you do know where you put them. The trouble if just recalling that information. Sit down, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let your right brain recall the picture in your mine of where they are. Works nearly every time.
Take a deep breath and say a little prayer to the saint of lost items ... yikes, I can't remember his name ... usually works for me, well sometimes!
My solution to finding lost things is to just stop trying... I think the strees of seeking makes us blind.
loved your post.
This is a riot and I so relate! What a fun twist on the prompt, to go into the future. Gotta go...smell a pot of rice burning ...
When there is alot going on I get that way. Deep breath and some Lucy time is needed. :) HUGS
Oh Lucy - I've had days (and weeks!) like this! Like Tammy said, deep breath. Peace & love, JP
p.s. you should add a paypal button for the brain transplant fund ;-) hehehe.
I can feel your frustration but like the light-hearted tone you use!
Quite a few people mentioned taking a breath. Maybe you are rushing around thinking of the next thing instead of the present moment. Taking a breath and just being where you are might help a bit.
Yes, curious minds ask - did you drink the coffee?
It's an age thing, trust me it has to be.
Penelope Anne
Thanks everyone! You make me feel less crazy!
Jen- that may have been a sweet change, but my husband noticed and I didn't drink it!
Michelle and Latree... You maybe need to take my place and be the first! haha
We've all had days, weeks, years like that. Hang in there. Memory is just the first thing to go. In which case, I am royally screwed ;-)
hmp...what hump...sez eyegor...
OK, so how do you make chicken pot stickers, please, Lucy? Sounds like my kind of comfort food. Thanks!!
hope you found those pics lucy, i am right there with you when it comes to absentmindedness..loved it!
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