As we journey through our lives we share our journey with many fellow travelers. Many of these travelers stay with us through most of life's journey. Some journeyers jump off for a personal detour and leave no forwarding address. Some detour for a short time and meet up with you on a path many years down life's ever changing road. I thought about some of my fellow travelers before writing this. The friends that I felt were so close to me and then suddenly they just grew distant. The Co-workers that became dear friends and were 'Everyday comrades'. Sometimes exposing to each other more about our inner souls than our dear old friends knew. Friends who swore to keep in touch when I decided to leave the job... but alas didn't keep that promise. I also thought about my clients through the years. They are definitely fellow travelers. We share many laughs but many, many heart-wrenching, heartfelt and intimate conversations. I've watched their children grow up, their parents pass away and some of their marriages fail. I feel like I've been an important road stop for them in their travels. I know many have been so important to me. I reflect on all these important people as I travel my path on life's purposeful journey. However through my 48 year pilgrimage there has always been another significant constant accompaniment. My beloved Dogs. Ever since I can remember I have always had a dog in my life. My faithful, loving, fellow traveler. Affectionate, genuine, tried and true friends. Soulful eyes knowing my every mood. Watching my journey with loyal, unending devotion. Since as far back as I can remember in my life, a little sweet dog-friend has always been there. My earliest memory is of Mr. chips. Then (Miss)Daisy, then Lucky and little Cocoa. Later on with my husband there was Blinky ( who we thought was John Belushi reincarnated, He was born on the day of Johns death and had a similar personality ) and Maggie (intelligent, sensitive, sweet baby) Today we share our journey with Molly and Cosmo. They are cherished members of our family. Cosmo ( pictured above in his baby blue shirt) ran off a few days ago. One of my sons friends forgot to shut our gate. When I realized he was missing ( early morning, when it was still dark) It was this Baby blue shirt I spotted across the street. I was able to yell "come!" and he thankfully returned home safely. If he wasn't wearing his 'silly shirt' ( my family made fun of me for buying it), I know I would NEVER have spotted a black dog in the dark (without my glasses) and the thought of him being lost or god forbid hit by a car was simply Terrifying. I Pray Mr.Cosmo and Miss Molly will walk along with me much MUCH longer on our joined journey through life.
4 days ago
In your line of work you have had an abundance of fellow travelers. :) I must admit my animals are one of my favorite travelers too.
Nikki has a #4 Packers jersey. lol
great post. you gotta love dogs. here is a comment I previously added on another person's blog but it belongs here:
When I was born my parents got me a dog (no child should grow up without a dog). My dad named her "Trixie". Anyone my age would know why. When I was 17 at the University of Idaho I got a call at my dorm in Theophilus Tower (Only in Idaho would an 11 story structure be called a tower). It was my dad. He said he had some bad news for me. My dad was not the kind of guy to use the telephone at all (that was mom's department). I immediately assumed something had happened to my mom. He said very directly as was his style, "Son, I had to put your dog down." My reaction would not have been any different had he said he had had to put my mom down. I dropped the phone. I could not attent class. Actually, I did not really need a good reason to not attend class. He had waited until I left to do what he had to do. It was tougher on him than me. This was a dog that dad had once jumped into the frigid water of the North Fork to save. This was a dog that had accompanied him on every fishing and camping trip for 17 years. At 17, Trixie was not able to function as a dog. Losing a long-time companion is tragic whether they are human or just think they are. I have had many dogs since Trixie (not a cat guy), but none like her. If fact, some of their names I cannot even recall. You can't feel sorrow for the passing of a 17 year old dog. She had a good run. It is only sad for those of us that are left behind.
Lovely post!
I had a doggy called Miss Daisy once- an Olde English Sheep Dog! She went off to those great kennels in the sky a couple of years back.
Anyway, I only have one word with which to sum up your post - woof!
Oh **** what have I just troden in?
You've put a great handle on the relationships we form and discard for one reason or another. Well written.
As for pets; I agree they're splendid companions to accompany us on our travels. They teach us love and trust and devotion. Most importantly they teach us to live in the moment.
I enjoyed this piece immensely!
Cosmo looks so content and friendly in the photo. I've missed out on the experience of having a dog as a fellow traveler. I had a really neat cat though.
I hope your dogs will be your fellow travelers for much more time to come. I haven't done Sunday Scribblings yet. Haven't been inspired. Still thinking about it. Diana
Enjoyed your post Lucy. I, too, grew up with dogs.I hadn't thought about how dogs had been in our home before I was born.
We now have a cat, Patches who we affectionately call 'fat cat.' I don't want to imagine when she's gone. She's family.
I love the picture of the dog! Hope you had a wonderful weekend :)
pets just give you the most beautiful, unconditional love and adoration. i hardly think i deserve it at times. and then as i'm scooping out the cat box and picking up another gutted bobo, i remember that i do deserve it! thanks for sharing!
Long journey with soooooooooo many fellow travellers...
I never had any dogs, but when I was a girl I had cats.
Tessy, Orko, Balki, Ciprut, Diggy, nDut, Komat, Kamit...
I left the last one be with my mom when I got married and had to live in my own house. She didn't get any change after Kamit died, and the history of cats ended up :(
I love you Lucy....and this post is why!!!
I am the same and have had dogs for close to thirty five years. It will be two years since my last guy passed. I loved them like my children, and they had sweaters I bought and ones I made. Your little guy there looks a bit like my childhood dog Whiskers, but he was a wired haired terrier. My oldest dog like myrtlebeach was 17 and what a character. The little girls have always been sweet, one male was a monkey, best friend to his sister Angel, my last guy was a biker dude with mackinaw shirt and Dayton boots a bichon herder. But man I still miss him. Nothing like a best friend with no expectations that follows you around!! haha
Excellent post love your doggies and his sweater is priceless. Must have to go in the wash lots though!!! I can just hear hubby and the kids heckling you! Just like mine tease me! Lucky he get that same feeling in your gut as when your kids were little and scurried away!
Love and hugs Sherrie
This was an absolute beautiful post to match the SS theme this week and I am so glad I stopped in to read it.
Thank you for sharing your travels and companions with us.
Mine is at The Writing Lounge.
this is such a tribute to all those travelers you shared journeys with in life, Lucy...thank you for being a fellow traveller in the blogging world. I am glad our paths crossed.
Pets are better than people. Recently, similar situation to a very dear friend only her outcome was not as lucky. Her pug was struck right in front of her house before her eyes and the driver never stopped. What is wrong with people today!!! The dog died of massive internal injuries and its companion, also a pug, didn't leave the safety of the yard. We are all devastated. You were lucky. Give Mr. Cosmo a big hug for us.
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