Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Even with all my complaining and my overwhelmed attitude, we not only pulled off a delicious, organized, fun (and yes dust free) Christmas eve, but we also thoroughly enjoyed it! Besides our regulars ( my husbands family), Our best friends joined us and made the Eve even more jolly. They added so much warmth and conversation and holiday spirit. On saturday i was ranting that I will never do this holiday again, and by monday morning, i was making up next years menu in my mind. Like the song says, there is no place like home for the holidays. The amount of preparation and work and money spent was all worth while. ( i hope i remember this feeling come next December!)
I haven't begun my official list of New Year's resolutions yet. I know exercise and dieting will be on there, but i think what should be number one on that list is Change. Change in attitude for one thing. I want to stop being stressed out by my life.
I want to take each day with a calmer pace. The first step i plan on taking is putting myself ahead of my job. I am done making a million exceptions on when i work. I am going to set hours and days and stick to them. I am going to remember that my sense of peace is more important than making sure everyone is accommodated when their schedule permits. Running myself ragged is only running myself to an early grave. I don't think it matters if I accomplish less in my day than i feel i have to. I need to change the expectations I place on myself. I am not wonder woman, no matter what you may think! I need to breathe, I need to spend time with my family, I need to prop my feet up on those messy couch cushions. I need to blog more and complain less. I need to change. I need to walk my dogs. I need to take a yoga class. I need to clean less. I need to play more board games with Son #3. I need to make more lunch dates with girlfriends. I need to drink more of my favorite green tea. I need to be a changed me.
Yes, this change is one I need to make too. It's hard to say no when someone neeeeedddss you to take care of their lack of planning, and so necessary to say that word. I began learning that last year when my sister was dying and suddenly priorities shifted. And they've stayed changed.
I'm right with you on that New Year diet thing, Lucy! Yes, I fell off the wagon over Christmas, but want to hop back on by January 2nd. Let's try this together AGAIN.
Loved your "Changes" post! All good, positive things....
Change is good! Lunch with friends? yeah I can't wait
Love ya
Happy New Year
Happy New Year, Lucy! The change you want is definitely there for you. Take a few small steps everyday. Sometimes it's just something small like taking a nice bubblebath after the troops are in bed. We all tend to let stress creep up on us and run ourselves ragged at times. Enjoy your green tea!!
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