The only thing my youngest son wants for Christmas is one of those Impossible to find, Nintendo Wii's. Seeing Sunday Scribblings prompt this week led my brain straight to the torturous punishment I have been going through, trying to locate one of these over priced,under supplied, overly hyped games systems. I feel like punishing those bastards at Nintendo by not buying one, but of course that would only be cruel to my kid. I have been calling every store in a 25 mile radius every day. I have been stopping in best buys and gamestops. When i asked one wise ass kid in best buy, if they were getting any of these stupid wiis in, he asked me, " do you own tent?" I looked at him with confusion and said " A tent? What are you talking about"
According to this guy I am not going to get one unless i camp out in front of the store. yeah, like that is going to happen. The sad thing is my little guy is such a great kid. He doesn't ever ask for anything. He is one of those compliant, good people that just rolls with the punches. He so deserves to get a gift that would totally excite him. If he does receive his desired reward, it would be so worth the punishment of the hunt.
3 days ago
Hellloooo to Lucy who is lost in some gaming department store....Sure do hope you find what that Wii thing. Here's an obvious question? How about finding it online? I have to admit that every now and again Amazon is a wonderous, sanity-saving, superstore.
Tomorrow Chris and I venture out to mingle with the crowds of shoppers - probably in Brattleboro - to pick up a few more gifts. 'tis the season! Good luck to you, Lucy, on your quest to find the golden Wii.
Hope your son gets what he'd like for Christmas. Get a tent, or park your car in front of the store and spend the night in it. I'm kidding.
We do so want to get them what would really make them happy, don't we?
Good luck! I hear that lots of those campers are there to purchase them for the "Gray Market". You can find one on eBay, but you'l pay...
I'm not sure that any thing I received as a child ever made me as happy as I thought it would.
thanks for your comments everyone!
Spider is right- this is a quest!
Ann- if i end up in a tent. please come and shoot me
Michelle- you're right ebay is so expensive
and to my backyard- I am sorry you feel that way, I have vivid memories of the thrill of Christmas morning. I would love to have him experience that.
to " my backyard" I tried seveal times to leave a comment on your blog... hope you read this, just want to let you know - something is wrong, it won't let me leave a comment about your cookies!
Hopefully the 'journey' to find your son's toy will have that much more added value and enjoyment for him.
yeah- I'm with my backyard. I think that's so true- it's the wanting that is powerful, the desire- everything else is anticlimax. If only we all faced that face before we fell in love the first time ;-)
I've had a few of these parental journey quests ... ultimately, the joy of the day & the love that you share as a family will be the reward. Much peace, JP
I'm with Jane Poe - my son is grown beyond "wanting" and I remember my struggles (and his delight) at finding the toy of the year when he was little. But if it doesn't work out for Christmas, think what a wonderful surprise it would be later in the year, when he really isn't expecting it at all, and the market will be well-supplied with them!
Good luck! I bet he'll be thrilled if you get it for him anytime, so maybe you can give yourself a break and shoot for it to be a MLK-day present or something. :)
Lucy, I hope you are able to reward your son with his christmas wish! I'm sorry to say though that I hate those game companies like Nintendo. They make you pay way too much money for their "newest" version, which will be replaced with something even "better" 2 months from now. I read a story recently about a boy who saved up all of his money (he worked REALLY hard), waited in long lines, finally secured his beloved Nintendo system only to be held up and robbed of it outside the store. Can you imagine that???!
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