I thought I would share some local news. It is making me want to move away from Lawng AwyLund.
Todays Paper the headline read "Pizza with the works."
This entrepreneur ( moron) had a menu of illegal fireworks longer than the pizza menu at his store. He stored some only 5' from the Hot pizza ovens, some in his accomplices backyard shed. They estimate it to be between $50,000.- $100,00. worth of explosives. Customers (speaking in code) would place orders for illegal fireworks, and Pizza man would call them and say "Your pizza is ready". As stupid and dangerous as this is, what really, really amazed me (and has me questioning our school system) are the comments from the neighbors, when told what was stored on their street. They all thought it was no big deal. One mans comment is what led me to write about this story. I am still laughing from disbelief and embarrassment for him. (He actually let them print his name after this) He said " It's Independence Day, Fireworks don't hurt nobody"
Any ideas on a new location I can move to?
3 days ago