Town Mouse and Country Mouse eh? This is the cute prompt this week for Sunday Scribblings. Hmmm, what comes to mind are my 2 adorable crazy pets. Little Molly the cockapoo would definitely do well as the town pooch. Never one for the great outdoors, she would do well with a doorman, limo and big comfy apartment.( If she is going to live in the big city she wants to live uptown, thank you very much) She would love to own a diamond collar and polish her black nails with a french (poodle) manicure. Miss Molly is extremely high maintenance she will need a top notch N.Y. city therapist. She cries if left outdoors a second too long. She cries if Cosmo( her lover, lover man) doesn't want to play. She cries if her caviar is not room temperature. PAAleeaasseeee.
Now Mr. Cosmo on the other hand, is my country bumpkin. He is an avid hunter. (loves to chase squirrels) If one runs up a tree, he will stare up the tree till his neck aches. He has quite a green paw. (He digs a mean hole in my freshly planted flower beds.) He is outdoorsy ( He sometimes WON'T come inside when called.) Even if there is a local milk-bone eating contest.
Suburbia seems the best compromise for these two contrasting canines.
As for their pack leader (bitch), I really enjoy the best of all worlds. Here in the subs, I can easily go west toward the culture and fun of the city or head out east for the great wide open or head south to one of the best beaches.
I guess if I HAD to leave the burbs and choose east or west.... (and if money was not a factor) It would be The big Apple for me.
Totally cute! I can really relate to your best of both worlds with your adorable pooches. My Zuzu is very girly, won't go outside if it is too chilly (I can "hold it" till it warms up a bit, thank you), and Marz is very tom-boyish, ("Dirt? What dirt?").
Cute photos! Sounds like you have a couple a characters to keep you smiling!
Oh my god Lucy your dogs are adorable. Cosmo looks like the wire haired terrier Whiskers I had growing up. The antics of dogs, they really do have individual personalities. As soon as I put new soil in my plant pots my dog Rox would jump up onto them and start digging. Pebbles my princess who would look outside and check the weather before deciding if she had to go! I’m with you on the living in suburbs, but if I had to choose, I’m a city slicker by far! Great post, Pepper and I read it together…..still yearning for a dog….shhhhh don’t tell!
I agree with you Lu - let's head West!
Wonderful take on the prompt ... I love how they have such different personalities. I too am more of a city girl!! Cheers, JP
I loved your post! Not mice... dogs! How great is that? Don't they have such distinct personalities?
Excellent response to the prompt and cute photos!
Sweet dogs!
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