This is my first time participating in 3 WW . The three words are Punch, T-shirt, Unravel. I knit you a t-shirt of hand spun wool Your cat found a loose piece of yarn to pull You wore it on a blind date, had a knock-out lunch He unraveled you completely, got a knock-out punch!
you can write about anything. the picture works too.
you have been tagged for a MEME. I think you will enjoy it.
Oh no! Bad kitty!
(So adorable though.)
Welcome to 3WW btw :)
You're a witty
Little kitty
Unraveling the
Three word crunch.
wore jeans and a t-shirt
Maybe a pony-tail scrunch.
poor kitty... just doing what kitties do best!!!!! this was really cute!!!!
Excellent Lucy....really fun play on words...loved it!
Hugs Sherrie
What fun! A cool piece, for sure! To make the heart: & hearts ; without the spaces. Smiling...
That's clever! :)
Lucy...welcome, what a great start. This was such a fun piece...I got bsy-lazy and didnt attempt this well :|
What a post! I agree, you can write about anything.
digging into fruit punch
tee hee ... wonderful!!
That was very cute :) Gotta love how cats are always getting into trouble, yet you can never really stay mad at them.
Welcome to 3 Word Wednesday. And short, long, or in between, it's all good.
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