Sunday Scribblings! I can really get on a rant with this prompt! There is so much I just don't get! But let me rant about recent happenings. Like last week when we went into Manhattan and got hit by a bus! Well, more accurately, Rear ended by a bus! After a few seconds of innocently sitting in traffic waiting for a red light to change, This huge coach bus RAMS right into the back of our car. I just don't get carelessness like that ( unless you're Mr. Magoo). I ALSO just don't get The bus drivers rationalization in developing an attitude in that situation! Like, wouldn't a normal person say something like- " Oh no! Are you alright, I'm so sorry, I feel like Mr. Magoo" Instead this ass starts screaming at Mr. Petals and says "There's hardly anything there! Why are you making a big deal out of this. I'm not giving you my insurance information. This is bullshit." Mr. Petals says "ARe you kidding me, this is a brand new car and you've dented the bumper, Apparently you've never owned a car." So we wait in our car in the rain for the police.. 5, 10, 20 minutes, No cop. ( I just don't get that either). So, I call the police back and apologize that we can't wait anymore, we will miss our show. So we Vamoose, leaving a bewildered Magooish Ass standing in the rain by his bus and luckily we make it to the show on time. We are hoping when we get The front of the car fixed from this time, when we also got hit (which has STILL not been resolved,) We can have the back bumper repaired too . ( This poor car seems to be a newfangled magnet for trucks and buses)

If getting hit by the bus wasn't enough to dampen my week.... On tuesday I lost an earring. A valuable and very sentimental earring. I was at the mall with a friend and then we went to lunch. When I got home I realized it was missing. I called the restaurant and every store I was in and left my name and number. No luck. and I have to say... I just don't get it. Any time I find anything, whether valuable (like the time I found a wallet) or as worthless as an old mitten, I turn it in. I guess the someone who found my beloved beautiful earring is using it as a companion in their second piercing or they have tried to sell it. I just don't get it, I guess they must be the same type of person that I hold the door open for and they walk on in like I am the freaking doorman and even if I was the freaking doorman, I still deserve a thank you as do all the freaking doormen in the world.

I don't get people. Like I just don't get people in small businesses that Never call you back or never come to do the estimate they promised to do. What's up with that? Are people so super busy and their businesses just so lucrative, that they can choose to ignore potential customers with leaky gutters? I thought the economy was awful? I know I am finding it tough to pay My bills. We contacted several gutter companies for estimates. One out of five showed up. Last year we needed a new roof. What a job the hiring process became. Between the inconsiderate 'no shows' for giving estimates, and the VAST differences in price ranges... I just don't get it!
As we were talking last night, I was telling my husband that I was feeling a little blue. He said in a very animated comedic tone " Blue? Why should you feel blue? It's been such a good week! We only got hit by a bus and lost and earring. Not too bad compared to a lot of past weeks! right? Now,HIM?... I DO get! ♥ ♥
To quote myself: the world has gone mad, I say this several times a day. Some people just seem to be lacking any trace of common sense and that enfuriates me.
So sorry about your earring :(
Here's to a better week.
Thank goodness, Lucy, that you're all ok! That's truly the most important thing of all. And I am sorry for your earring loss. I've at least 3 lonely orphan earrings in my jewelry box that lost their mates...poop.
Here in India, people deliberately hit you car if you get a new one. Or children ae notorious for putting scratch marks, Parents simply turn a blind eye. It is like "how come she/he got a new car? How dare she/he?"
I too lost an earring a while back. One which was a gift from my mom. I still hold on to the one which is left alone!
It feels so bad!
watered down
I could do a rant about some of the things that have happened to us - such as the person who deliberately rammed our precious classic car in an attempt to get insurance to fix her own car. The car injuries didn't match in the slightest, and fortunately the policeman who came when we phoned saw instantly what had happened and wrote a report about it.
It's maddening, though, when such things happen. I don't get it either!
Well, the busdriver probably didn't have a license or a green card. Your earring is in some stripper's belly button, and what the hell are you doing driving in Manhattan?
People, so damn irksome, thankfully you're OK ;)
How sad about your earring, and getting lip from someone who rear-ended me would have send me round the bend for sure!
I hope next week is a better week for you. So sorry about your misfortunes! I too don't get those tradesmen ("No job too small"!) who promise to come and don't arrive. It seems to be a universal problem, then!
happy easter lucy!!! and i hope that ding bat in the bus coughed up his insurance info... he probably had a bad enough driving record,, or was afraid he'd lose his job... but hey... maybe he should....
Awe Lucy so sorry about your horrific week. Keep positive about the earring. Last year I lost my favorite earring....in fact there was a time when I think the earth was in retrograde and others were missing too.... I was on a frantic search for new earrings....when one by one they started appearing. The most cherished one had fallen off in my friends car...she took it back to her place four hours away. Took me half a year to get it back...but I am thrilled. Here's to hoping yours show up....Keep calling the places...they may find it. I'd make a stink about the bus, I have a feeling this is not his first infraction. There is a real lack of old school manners. I am proud to say my daughter still thanks the bus driver when she exits her bus! Most don't.
Have a nice easter dinner! It's a time for renewal, hopefully you will have great new start!!
Love and hugs Sherrie
Those are the weeks that try our souls.
Btw. My best friend married and divorced a girl from Bellmore Long Island. He was a nurse with the Suffolk police dept.
Where have the simple considerations gone? I'm glad you guys were not hurt and we could all use a dose of Mr. Petals from time to time.
Arggh. A bubble gummer rear ended me at a stop sign last year - got all the information and several phone numbers of witnesses. I contacted the mother (a lawyer) and she threatened to sue me for lying about her daughter. What???? I apologized to her - said I was sorry to have disturbed her since she was obviously very ill.
And, yes. The hearts, clubs and spades all work the same but diamonds are nowhere to be found - sorry about your accident and your earring.
wow...reading the comments was most enjoyable as well... i like what devilmood sed... the world has gone mad... yes, glad to hear everyone is ok... and the earring, that is so sad.. thaz just plain disturbing when losing an earring such as that... i have lost a few and just wanna cry b/c what can one do...the comment about a stripper's bellybutton.. hilarious... it's something to consider anyway... and contractors, totally agree... it's almost scary to see who does come out and will they perform as they say they can.. yeppers, half full not half empty... i still say the world as gone mad is good...
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