Sunday Scribblings describes
a "smorgasbord" as a buffet-style meal served in Sweden, traditionally at the holidays; in America it is a serve-yourself-whatever-you-want-type restaurant.
I would like to talk about the American type, as I have unfortunately never experienced anything in Sweden.
In America we are famous for abundance. For wastefulness. For obesity. Makes sense to me that the "all you can eat' restaurants are crazy busy and packed with gluttons galore. No matter where you eat in America, you can be sure you will usually have enough on your plate. Too much in fact.
I usually take home 1/2 of my meal for lunch the next day. So Why? Why? Do so many people feel the need to frequent these
trough like settings and just FILL UP? ( by now you've deduced that I have great disdain for the smorgasbord.)
Not only is it gluttonous, it is down right disgusting. I have enough paranoia knowing the cook, waiter and helpers have access to 'germ up' my food. I can't even imagine knowing every Tom DICK and Harry have had their breath, sneezing, coughing, spitting while talking, TASTING while standing there, All near MY potential dinner. It literally makes me sick.
We once ate at a restaurant that was sit down OR buffet. We of course chose table service. ( Mr. Petals is a nut job as well). I was astonished watching how animalistic these buffet people were! I mean HOW much food can you possibly consume in one sitting? It is revolting! One woman was trying to make her young son Taste EVERYthing, before making his plate.. She was feeding him right there on the buffet line. ( another thing I despise, standing on line to serve myself. That's the whole point of eating out, I can finally sit my tired ass down and let someone else do all the work!). Anyway.. this kid was spitting out food he didn't like into her HAND! (NO, we actually live in a civilized decent area!!) and then SHE used that same hand to handle the Utensils to serve MORE food to him and to add to her Over flowing plate of assorted Crap. YUlK!
I am thinking it comes down to money as so many things do. People want 'the most for their money' Even if they don't need it. Even if they throw most of it away. Give me more! Give me it all! Give me give me give me! The sinful waste must be extraordinary, because my clients have told me that some places are now charging extra for what you DON'T finish. I think that is a smart way to curb these indulgent behaviors. Let's face it, many animals will just eat till they puke, it takes a reasonable human to intervene, set limits and teach them about self control.
** UPDATE*** gee... I wrote this in quite a hurry between haircuts and Now I think it sounds offensive and awfully harsh. I don't mean to insult any civilized buffet patrons; and I'm sorry if I already did. (Gluttons- you know who you are.)
I wholeheartedly agree with you. It's revolting and incredibly sad because people that can't control themselves around food (we're not animals, as you said) have issues and secondly there are millions of people dying with hunger and that's what makes me crazy.
Also agree that the point of dining out is to sit your butt :)
I too find this revolting. People think free food, eat as much as you can!
Holding the utensils wioth dirty hands is one of my pet peeves. My younger SIL doesit and I hve had many arguments about that with her.
With family you can't do much!
I hate those "all you can eat" places. Revolting...The people who stuff themselves there look like animals, not knowing when to stop. And you're right, it is disgusting to think of all of these people breathing on the food. I have lost my appetite.
Big Israeli hotels always have huge buffet breakfasts - people can even be seen packing themselves lunch for later!
On the other end of the scale is the buffet at the very swanky hotel I went to this week - incredibly high class, dishes constantly replentished, very aesthetic, no one pushing or shoving or overloading (it helps that this was a spa - gluttony obviously being frowned on). I suspect even you germophobes would have been ok there.
well.. i very rarely if ever eat out,, and prefer a diner stetting to any type of restaurant available... but i am not above a good ole white trash buffet...
where it does sound sound really disgusting,, what with the sneezing and breathing and touching and such.... if stuff like that really bothered us,,, we couldn't grocery shop or read a restaurant menu or try on clothes or check out library books .. the list is endless.....
first, reading how you feel about eating out because of all the "handlers" makes me NOT want to eat out any longer! you've actually done me a favor...
second, that kid story is revolting...in a restaurant for God's sake!
third, America, a gluttoneous society and it is one of my pet peeves. it is disgusting how we overeat. yet, that very gluttony, is also killing us....diabetes, high blood pressure....shall i go on?
good post.
Ugh! I'll never look at a buffet the same way. I'm picturing times I've eaten at Golden Corral or Ryans. I do like big salad bars, though, like at Jason's Deli.
I never thought of it that way, some very interesting points you make. Maybe that's why I can't remember the last time I have ever been at a buffet! Must be at least fourteen years ago... as you know I'm a large and lovely lady....but two cups of coffee can make me full....gorging is not my thing. Eating wonderful calorie riddled sauces is another thing! And I am a cookie monster too!
Oh man that published before it was suppose to! Excellent funny post! Really enjoyable and a different perspective!!
Love and hugs Sherrie
On my trips to the States I'm always horrified by the amount of wasted food I see - at hotel breakfasts for example. Glad you wrote this. I wouldn't dare!
I disagree with you on some of your post.
I would never eat at a buffet that didn't have a sneeze guard, and if I saw someone feeding a child I would report them and leave.
I actually was in a sit down cafe and the waitress bringing my food to the table sneezed all over it! Thankfully I saw her. I reported her and walked out.
I don't think everyone who eats at a buffet is a glutton at all.
I am not.
I think people enjoy the variety and the fact that there is no waiting.
Eating out is a gamble no matter where you eat, not just the buffet places.
holy cow! I think I've offended you little wing! I didn't mean to imply that anyone who eats at a buffet is a glutton. My son also loves buffets( especially Indian buffets) for the wonderful variety. my LIMITED buffet experience, exposed me to the scenes I describe. I was so turned off but I'm sure there are buffets that are lovely! Hope I haven't made blogging enemies!
Please tell us how you really feel!
Really, I could not agree with you more, but I could not have said it near as well as you've done.
You may find my buffet more to your liking. ;)
I can't even remember the last time I have even been inside a buffet type restaurant. I am with you 100%. Yuck!
Right on! I feel the same way...
hello. I'm on my #100 post in it's about 'batik giveaway'. I wonder if you are interested to participate.
and I hope you don't mind telling your friends about this.
thanks before.
I'm waiting for you in my blog.
Hi! An American all you can eat buffet is FAR FAR FAR from the real Swedish smorgasbord. A Swedish smorgasbord is surely made up by numerous delicacies, but always finest quality and there is nothing wasteful about it nor is it tacky cheap and disgusting as the American version which I totally understand your aversion against. Also, Swedes are not fat as the majority of Americans, there is a huge difference in eating habits whether it's all you can eat style or not. I''m Swedish, born and raised in Sweden, and one of the traditions that I am keeping alive in my family is the smorgasbord at holidays. And I can assure you that all the food is homemade, there are no msg or trans-fats, Campbell soups or pizza at my smorgasbord.
Sorry to take so long to respond but I just hauled my fat ass home from a seafood buffet. Being an American, I did not even use plates and silverware. I just walked up to the item of my choice and put my face in it and inhaled. Sometimes I like to sit down in the mashed potatoes. It feels so good. Oh, by the way. Just because a buffet offers you many choices. It does not mean you have to eat them all. But I do because I am a gluttonous, wasteful American piece of crap.
Great take on the prompt, Luc. Yes, I share similar feelings regarding buffets. Peace, love and friendship. xx, JP/deb
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