Friday, February 20, 2009


Today a client told me she is getting a divorce
She also told me she knows she will find someone
else to marry soon,
because she doesn't like to take out her own trash
or pay the bills herself. ( I managed to conceal my
horrified expression )

Today another client told me that since her husband
died she hasn't been to the gynecologist. Why bother,
If She isn't having sex anymore? (I sensitively gave a 77 yr. old woman
a chat about preventive health care)

Yesterday, a client referred to her landscaper as a 'wetback'
( yeah, even though I felt uncomfortable speaking up, I told her I thought that term was really inappropriate )

Last week, One of my
hammers who is in her early 60's... went on and on about all the F*#@ Buddies she had in her youth while driving her point about HOW attractive she was (later I needed to puke!)

TRUST me! I couldn't make this shit up, if I tried!


Anonymous said...

great post and great take over the prompt..... superb.

Granny Smith said...

I trust you! I trust you!

Pretty Things said...

OMG! What makes them think it's a good idea to tell anyone ANY of that?

But I have to admit, some of it is hilarious and it would be hard to either not a) snicker insanely or b) slap them silly.

Stan Ski said...

And I thought I was just being cynical to imagine that things like this really happen.

Femin Susan said...

very different poem . i loved your style of presentation...very much lovely..

Queen-Size funny bone said...

what is it about hairdresser that make you want to tell your life story?

Anonymous said...

Ohh it happened ? You might be handling different people..different kinda job ;)

anthonynorth said...

Some people never cease to amaze me.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you hear a lot of interesting stories!

Anonymous said...

lovely play of words and presentation :)

Elspeth said...


Elspeth said...

... i.e. I found your last line (about trusting you that you couldn't make it up) and your thoughts in brackets funny. The people's stories are very real.

Barb said...

Maybe if the 77 yr. old didn't smell of fish, she'd get more dates and NEED to see a GYN. (Oh, I'm going the Hell now!)

A couple nights ago I was laying in bed reading while hubby was drifting off to sleep. THEN I saw a spider on the wall! *Gasp* He jumped up after I screamed something and he killed it.

When he got back into bed I said "Ya know... If I ever thought I could live without you and you gave me money anyway? I would stay. Cuz you kill spiders." :)

Devil Mood said...

YIKES! I imagine you get the kind of confessions bartenders and barmaids do, but a little less drunk.
Oh God, that's terrible :(

Patois42 said...

I love where you went with this. Way cool.

Linda Jacobs said...

The things we hear! It's the same way at school. My high schoolers amaze (and sometimes disgust) me!

Good post!

Anonymous said...

Love it love it love it! It's great when you nearly use rude words!

Anonymous said...

At the risk of repeating one of my previous comments, your experiences are so similar to mine behind a bar!

Marguerite said...

Good take on this prompt. And yes, I TRUST you couldn't make up this stuff. I work with the public and it is AMAZING some of the stories people tell. I enjoyed your post.

Sherri B. said...

It must be hard to hear stuff like this all the does make one lose a bit of faith in humanity, doesn't it?!

Anonymous said...

I loved all of it. I especially love your closing line!

Anonymous said...

Trust me I don't blame you one bit ... love your post! Missed you. xo

Tumblewords: said...

I think it's because you are such a kind person that people open up to you with stories they wouldn't entrust to others. Good post!

Giggles said...

I read this to Pepper yesterday! What a mom had the same problem....your head must spin after work!

Hugs Giggles

SSQuo said...

Great twist to the prompt 'Trust'.
Didnt know about the word 'wetback', just went online to read what it is. I agree, its inappropriate.