Did you ever have something strike you so funny, so hysterical, yet you were the only one laughing? Last week as I made my normal rounds to buy beauty supplies I was struck with such a fit of laughter. While browsing in my usual store, with my usual saleslady, A HUGE new sign stopped me in my tracks. It read: NOW YOU CAN COLOR YOUR HAIR DOWN THERE! INTRODUCING HAIR COLOR FOR YOUR BETTY! Well, I was so astounded( and a bit horrified.) I just started laughing and saying things like "oh my god, People on the street can see this sign" "Betty? Who is Betty?
Should I be calling her Betty?"
"What about men? Is theirs a Barney?" "Who is interested in this? Don't they know our country is at war?" "Now we need more maintenance? Our roots on our heads AND on our-Betty's?" I was seriously cracking myself up! My usual girl was smiling( no hysterics), however her temporary Christmas helper was looking at me with a frightened look. She apparently didn't see the humor. (She must be sporting a hot pink, heart shaped Betty) Yes,This Betty coloring kit even comes with stencils! Of course, my laughter didn't stop at the store. I, of course shared the good news with many of my female clients. Thank god I am NOT crazy, because their laughter made mine seem sedate. The women were crying with laughter. (Several, pretended to be outraged, but I predict they will be calling for a private Betty session!) Geez, I don't think i am set up for this task! I feel like that Seinfeld episode, where Jerry says" now I will have to hang beads, and dress differently" Well, he says something like that.( the episode is about the menage a trois)
Don't get me wrong, I do think Betty should be taken care of! Besides her daily scrubbings, She of course needs a trim, even conditioning treatments. If occasionally she needs a little excitement with a dramatic color change- Shouldn't that NOT be left in the hands of a stranger? Some things are just best done by yourself! Or here's a good suggestion- get your lover involved in the transformation. Please leave me out of this little boost in your love life. When i went to beauty school ( many years ago). WE just didn't have to past the state board betty test!
I think this should be on sale at K-mart or Cvs along with the do it yourself hair-coloring kits. Not in the beauty supply stores. Please tell me, you agree with me. Is the world getting a little wacko? WHO out there, is planning on calling their hairstylist for a New, New years Betty?