As busy as I am and as difficult as it was to remember to do this each day.. a part of me may miss it! is that weird? Anyone else who did this, feel this way? This may have been my spring board for becoming a more consistent blogger.
After impulsively writing that last post about winter. I started thinking of so much more I want to say about winter. Winter brings out the domestic goddess in me. I begin to crave eating and cooking family favorite comfort foods. The first snow fall Always inspires me to break out the cake recipes and cookie trays! Snow=Sweets in the Petals family! Thank-goodness we don't have it year round or we would all be Round! As my husband and my sons shovel outdoors for sometimes hours, I am in my nice warm cozy kitchen baking away and preparing the hot-chocolate for their return. Sounds very Donna REed, but it is the absolute truth!
Another winter-thought.. childhood memories of playing in the huge piles of snow, we seemed to get each year, ALL DAY LONG! Ignoring calls to 'COmE INSIDE now!" except for the occasional mitten change. Snowballs, snowmen, snow-angels, snow-forts! The entire neighborhood would unite for a daylong snow-fest! FAst forward to the snow-fests of my 3 boys .. and I mostly remember HOW long it took me to help them Dress for the outing, the long johns, doubled socks, plastic bags under heavy Velcroed boots! Two pairs of gloves! snow pants and sweatshirts followed by the bulky coat!(As a child, I didn't even own this much outerwear!) I don't know how my boys even walked out there, never mind played! come to think of it, when I spied on them out my kitchen window, they did mostly ROLL around in the snow!! It seemed like before I could bake a tray of cookies, they were back and The LonG procedure of helping them UN-dress and hang all the wet clothes in the laundry room would make me wonder if it was 'worth all the excitement' they experienced!! It was also quite time consuming to try and dry my dogs and melt the icicles that hung from their fur!!
Another plus of working from home for me is snow doesn't equal treacherous driving to get to work OR closing due to weather! If someone dares the drive to get their hair done, We always shovel the walks well, to allow them safe access to my place. EVen In the Deepest snowfalls, I have always had work because many of My neighbors are also clients, and have been known to put on their knee high boots and Walk on over.. through the severest snowfalls!
The only thing I don't like about winter is worrying about my kids driving on icy roads.
But if we are all safe and cozy at home, I look at winter and snowfall as the perfect opportunity to enjoy family movies,games and home cooked meals and treats.
(tomorrow is December first, Get ready for my holiday header unveiling! I am so little-kid-like excited!)