Did u ever notice how absurd some of the text messages we send & receive are? We have really become a world that reads each others minds! Yesterday without putting much thought into it, I sent my middle son a message that was simply this..
I hve chickn what up ? xox
the translation of that? I made your favorite! chicken for dinner! Are you eating home? or do u have other plans? I love you so much! After I sent it, I realized I should have been a bit clearer.. "I have chicken" made me laugh out loud! What made me realize that we have become mind readers was when I received this reply from him.. Thx Mama I ate @ wrk. stopn at Oscars to chill for a bit.
He totally got my rushed message!
No matter how rushed I am, I always have to end each message with ALL three hugs/kisses symbols! Just like HAVING to say 'be careful driving' each time I say goodbye to my kids, the XOX has become a superstitious habit for me knowing I am truly conveying my love to them. As if, even in my haste if I should write only X O , they will assume I love their brothers more? Anyway.. back to the subject of absurd texting. Today despite my crazy busy work day, I wanted to let my husband know I was thinking of him AND that I did get a chance to have an unexpected lunch break! This message was sent to his cell...
hi honey lunch! jst thinkng o U xox
I never heard back from him which isn't weird because he doesn't like typing and if he is real busy at work, he can't make a call. When he came home i told him I sent him a message and when he looked he had never received it! Just then my youngest son walked by and said "Mom.. Why did u send me that note that you were thinking of me when you were eating lunch? I was right in the other room when u were eating!" Gee, I don't even know HoW i sent it to the wrong name?! Which made me start wondering.. Have any of my abbreviated crazy messages been sent out to baffled friends and family members in my address book? Or worse? a doctor? The pharmacist? The butcher? "i have chicken" How confused would HE be? (Come to think of it, he does look at me like I am a bit loopy)
(I really should stop denying that I could use reading glasses to see those tiny letters on this small phone.) In the meantime.... u txt weird 2? Hpe u lve commt
4 days ago
I do not have a phone, the washing machine ate it! ouch!
There was a funny program the other day on the radio while I was driving about texting and the way parents use or misuse their phones being from the previous non techno savvy generation. Funny.
We have inadvertently created a whole new language!
u make me lgh!lol
to tell you the truth i never text message,, mainly because i have no one to message and secondly because our cell phone reception out here is foggy at best... i do enjoy trying to decipher what the heck people are talking about tho when i do have a chance to read them......
I HATE texting! Would rather make a quick call or send a quick email than go back and forth several times with texts just to organise a meeting point. And I have received quite a few texts that were definitely not meant for me!!
Fun post!
I've never had any misdirected text messages from my phone. But Instant Messages or EMails? Ugg. I don't even want to talk about those!
2 absurd!
i used to love texting!
i think only love can get me that habit :D
this is too absurd ;)
Happy SS
Into The Absurd
I used to hate to txt, but now find it invaluable to check in with people - before calling them. Or when I can't get cell service, but still can get a txt out.
I'm just glad I got the hang of a cell phone.
I didn't knw how to text, so I had a friends daughter show me. I then texted my son. Instead of texting me back, he called me on the cell. LOL My text had freaked him out. He had to call and make sure that his mom actually had her cell and not some nut job. LOL
U r so fnny! I lve ur posts!
To date I've resisted the urge to have a mobile phone. This post makes that decision much easier :-)
Loved it.
My sis and I still laugh about the time we got an early morning text from Mom that read: "my fish die"
Yesterday, I actually had like a five message text-verstaion with Mom. She's really come a long way :)
luv ur did u evr posts! xox
hah gud pstore. yum4 din. (Last text sent to Mr. Skittles.)
About the XOX. There were no cellphones when my kids were young, but I did something routinely as my daughter left for school each day..
I would give her a kiss, kiss, hug, hug. Then kiss the palm of her hand and fold her fingers over it and tell her to put it in her pocket in case she needed it later. She had a bit of separation anxiety.
O y! Txt weird 2! ;)
My son has even come up with a texting game. He'll send us pictures of our dog. We have to text back where we think the dog is. If we are correct, my son will send us a picture of him smiling. If wrong, we get an "angry" picture. It can get annoying because he has to add sound to the pictures as well.
It's a whole new world!
I am here via Forgetfulone's loyal commenter post. Congrats!
Great fun Lucy....read it on the run the other day!! I have maybe sent one text...not my thing....YET....I always get there eventually!!
I do worry about sending things to the wrong person! I guess that's why we should carefully edit what we put in print!! lol
Big hugs Giggles
this post is amusing. i like your txt short hand! and i can understand the 'translation' too. this reminds me though that my friend on more than one occasion has accidentally txted me messages that were meant for her husband. hehehe.
What a hoot!
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