Like most women, I find shopping for a dressy dress almost as torturous as the dreaded bathing suit search. However, Yesterday my shopping experience was terrifying. I finally found a dress I liked. They didn't have my size. The saleswoman suggested I try the dress anyway, If I liked it, they could order my size. Fine. The pickings were so slim, Even though I knew this dress was probably one or two sizes too small, I decided to forge ahead. I entered the the desolate hallway that housed 3 small fun house mirrored boxes. In my foolish haste, I forced this tiny beaded contender over my crazed (apparently) Large head. I squirmed and shimmied and shoved and pulled. I got it over my huge head and managed to strangle my raised arms as well. That was it. I was stuck like that. Panic struck. I wanted to call out for help but the glimpse of my bikini underwear barely on ,while a beaded straight jacket covered my head and arms, was too embarrassing to draw attention to. The mental image (or in this case - fantasy) was clear and frightening. The firemen are called- they need the jaws of life to remove the assailant. I am left in my bright orange (too small) bikinis, battered, bruised, breathless (bra-less) and totally mortified. BUT- The handsome fireman (who axed the door down)gives a sexy smile & his bright yellow jacket to cover my flustered, perspired body.
Even though the fantasy of him eases my panic a smidge- I know I need to do this on my own. Miraculously, through my one eye that isn't enshrouded in material- I spy a Zipper! Oh my God, this dress had a zipper? I manage to reach it and pull just enough to get a whole hand out. I escape! Let me tell you though, For Five LONG minutes I didn't think I would without ripping that (fantasy sized) bully in two.
3 days ago
This is so perfect! I'm laughing because it's happened to me too. Oh, the panic. So...did you order the dress in your size?
I've been stuck in exactly that position before, not realizing there's a zipper. I think for future reference, if you can't get it over your head easily, even if it's two sizes too small, look for a zipper. ;)
I wish, though, that when it happened to me, I had enjoyed the fireman fantasy. Mine was more like the horror of them finding me passed out on the floor like that, and taking me out on a stretcher without bothering to cover up my nethers.
OMG... that is so funny! Finding a dress that fits perfectly is worth alot, but getting out of a too-small dress tht you're stuck in.... priceless!
That is hilarious!
Thanks for the laugh.
great story. i can totally relate!!
So Funny! I'm still laughing. Sadly, insanely, hilariously true. How wonderful to have brought a sense of humour to a situation we have all been in and dread! Puts it all in its rightful place!
I think there's not many women alive who've not been in the same predicament.
You're writing had me cracking up long after I turned off the computer.
Hi Lucy! Go over to my blog. I've tagged you to write 5 things that put a smile on your face this week :))
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