Monday, January 22, 2007

A Meme

I was tagged by the Delightful Jane. I'm so happy that she chose me because I love reading her beautifully written blog.

This is how it works:
1. Find the nearest book.
2. Name the book & the author.
3. Turn to page 123.
4. Go to the fifth sentence on the page. Copy out the next three sentences and post to your blog.
5. Tag three more folks.

I'm too young to get old by Judith Reichman, M.D.>
We all- doctors and patients alike-need to get the full picture. Are we dealing with dying parents(80 percent of all 50 yr, olds have a living mother or father, and 25% of us have to take time off from work without pay to care for them)? Do we have adolescent children whose remarks or behaviors make us feel old and ineffectual, or a spouse who's sick, either mentally or physically?

Okay i have done my first Meme! ( what the F*%$ is a Meme anyway? I have seen some that are lists of things)
Anyway, This is one too i assume. So now I have to tag 3 people. Let's see.....?????
I have to tag the only other bloggers I know! haha Sorry guys if you don't want to play... No Problem!
I tag annie, Ally,
and Jenny
Hope it's fun. Thanks Ladies. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy,
Hey, I was wondering what "meme" is short for, too?

I'll answer your tag right here:
I just finished reading, "Chronicles - Volume 1," by Bob Dylan (excellent, especially for us Dylan freaks!!!!)
Pg. 123: I had assumed that when critics dismissed my work, the same thing would happen to me, that the public would forget about me. How mad is that? Eventually, I would have to face the music - go back to performing - go back to performing - the long-awaited ballyhooed reunion tour - gypsy tours - changing ideologies like tires, like shoes, like guitar strings.

Jane said...

Lucy, you're such a sweetheart to play along! It was kind of fun wasn't it??