When I think of Superstitions, I always think of my mom. She was known to Yell "you're going to have a fight", If you got a little itch on your nose. She would always "knock wood" to make sure something you were talking about wouldn't happen. (I am embarrassed to admit I have inherited this one)
Itchy Palm- That's a good one! You'll be getting money. She had so many of these. I remember something about having to throw salt over my shoulder?? I don't remember why, and Why would you want to clean that up? I also remember her getting hysterical one day because the driver of a hearse tipped his hat at her! Of course she lectured about the usual ones too, NEVER open an umbrella in the house, walk under a ladder or the worse one- Break a mirror! I guess I am lucky to still be here, because I am guilty of those last 3. I don't remember what was suppose to go wrong, maybe not death just A LOT of Bad luck! I think we all are superstitious in some ways. I always feel unless I think the worst will happen, I won't have a safe trip. I HAVE to tell my kids to "Be careful" anytime they leave the house. I have run out the door sometimes to say this, because I thought they didn't hear me. Maybe Superstitions are just another way we give ourselves comfort, security and self preservation. Kind of like a cookie or a nice Merlot. There are many stranger things we could believe in.
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3 days ago
Your Mom was pretty superstitious. I do think it would be creepy for the driver of a herse on duty to notice me personaly in such a way. I forgot about the itchy palm one. I don't it ever did bring me any money though. If nothing else they add to the spice of life:o)
I like the cookie and the nice merlot better.
Hi Ms. Lucy,
I should have known that you and I both say, "Be careful," to our kids, (and also to Chris, in my case), when they leave the house. ...like if we didn't say it somehow we're opening up Pandora's Box to all sorts of disaster or something. I've been doing it for 27 years and won't be stopping anytime soon, is my guess.
strange how much superstitions are a part of our life... And yes, the merlot and cookie do sound more tempting! x
I had forgotten about the ithcy palm bit.
My mom used to say that if I had a zit near my mouth, it meant that I had a crush on someone. Obviously, it meant I had oily skin or was a teenager.
My mum still has fits if any of us open an umbrella inside. She was telling me the other day that someone opened one inside at her office, and about 10 people yelled at her to close it and not open it again. Obviously a pretty widespread one. Me, I'll take a merlot anytime. Thanks for dropping by my blog.
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