April 20th (SUNDAY) is my TWO year blogging Anniversary! I feel very much the same about blogging today as I did when I celebrated my
ONE year anniversary
I truly treasure my relationships and chats with my blogging buddies. Finding their emails and comments are like finding little treasures left on my desktop. I find myself checking email often, hoping another surprise bouquet of thoughts will be left for me to inhale. Doesn't it seem like the world became a much smaller world since blogging? Communicating with wonderful souls from various blogging lands, like Ireland, Canada, India, Australia. We are all the same. We share a love of words. We share a love for people. We are comfortable enough to bear our hearts most intimate emotions with these cyber soul mates. Comfortable knowing they won't judge, they won't criticize. They lend support, they encourage. This past year,They've helped me feel secure enough to post poetry. As bad as a lot of it was, My cyber supporters would find SOMETHING kind to say, making me feel pleased that I 'put myself out there.' Feeling confidently composed to try again and again. When I had difficulty writing a poem for my son, my giggly friend Sherrie gave of her time and reconstructed it, moved words around, till I was able to feel proud to give it to him as a birthday gift. As I get to know the talented writers in this tiny blog universe, It amazes me that even though they compose creative, artistic, intelligent posts, poems and stories, They still visit me in my basic blog land, where I mostly just talk about the daily dealings of this and that in my pretty ordinary, routine life. SO, In celebration of meeting such accepting,kind, treasured friends (those whom I didn't know last year and all my great long time friends).... LET'S HAVE ANOTHER CONTEST! Last year this is what Sherrie won! This year I will try to put together another nice prize. (possibly hair items, since I doubt you would like a framed poem of mine!) Instead of choosing a story I enjoy best like my last contest and the first contest. This time, ANY one who leaves a comment will have their name written on a piece of paper and drawn from a hat,(make that a bowl) With a name like Lulu's Petals, You know you can trust me to be honest and fair. Good Luck and thanks for all the warm visits. I hope to keep this hobby going at least another year. ♥
I am happy to tie my anniversary celebration into sunday scribblings and I want to thank them too, because without their weekly prompts, I may not have lasted this long. ♥

well i for one am thrilled that you are participating in sunday scribblings,, as that is where i found you... i haven't know you at all,, but i feel as if you are the woman that i thought i would be one day when i was growing up,, and your allowing me to live it vicariously thru you is a special treat whether you know it or not......thank you for just being you.....
Well as you know I am a newbie, but just like you I really enjoy writing and of course reading what others have written. I hope you will continue to write for many years to come.
Making new friends is definitely a perk.
I hope I win. I am nearly out of Jheri curl activator and Dapper Dan Pomade.
Happy Anniversary! Here's to at least another year - hopefully more.
happy anniversary miss lucy :) looking forward to another year of giggles and sighs ... have a beautiful weekend!! xo
thanks so much for the nice wishes Redheels, Deirdre and Daisy!!
Thanks for ALWAYS making me laugh Rick!
PAISLEY!- Your Beautiful compliment has moved me to tears! I really treasure my blogging friends ♥
I've seen your comments to others, including my own. You spread cheer and gladness in other's hearts, and it is happily reciprocated. :)
Happy Anniversary! Two yrs is a great mile mark - and I bet you're better than you think you are!
Smiles and hugs!
Happy blogiversary Lucy...may you continue to write for years to come!
Thank you for letting us into your life for this last year. The subheading on my blog is "Blogging friends aren't virtual. They are real." I feel that you have expressed it well.
Happy 2yrs Lucy!!! Sending a big hug and friendship. ;) XXOO
Love the toes and paws!
Blogging is the modern day equivalent of the writer's meeting at ye olde pub to exchange ideas and share compositions and spur each other on to good writing. Wishing you well.
happy anniversary!! waiting for 3rd, and 4th, and 5th,....
Lucy, what a wonderful achievement. And yes, so glad to have found you via Sunday Scribbling...just wonderful.
Happy anniversay. It's always a pleasure to come visiting.
Happy Blogaversary! To me, the wonderful thing about blogs is the great variety, and that I get to meet people in their real, everyday concerns as well as in their poetry or other writing. Keep on blogging as long as it makes you happy!
Congratulations! Be sure to blow out all your candles and make a wish!
Dear Lucy
The shere number of comments and compliments here is testimony to the great contribution you make to all our lives.
Your casual 'girl next door' style is so refreshing and such a contrast to the many bloggers whose sole aim it seems is to give an impression of superiority. Here we get YOU! And for that - and your many visits to our sites - I thank you from the heart of my bottom - and it doesn't come much better than that! Bless you.
Hi Lucy. Congratulations! Like you blogging has been such a wonderful blessing....one I never would've imagined when I was initially told about the phenomenon.
Like Paisley, it was Sunday Scribblings which connected you and I and like Keith, I always enjoy visiting you site because your "style" and friendliness is always welcoming..... You write from a genuine place....your own heart.
Happy anniversary! I'm so glad you've hung around that long, too, because I enjoy reading your blog. And I think if it weren't for Sunday Scribblings, I probably would've given up blogging a long time ago, too. They really kept me writing, especially when I first started blogging. Lately I get so busy that I don't always have time to write for SS, but I know they're there, and I'm so glad to have fun blogging buddies to read... like you!
Happy Blogaversary Lucy! Your blog always leaves a smile on my face :-)
You guys are making me feel like I am the guest of honor at a fancy party! thanks SO much for all the wishes, compliments and encouragement. BOY.. I wish the prize could be a pot of gold! xoxo
Happy Second, and wishing you many mort to come. I am glad you are part of SS.
And, yes, as you commented on my place - we are both beginning the third year - amazing, isn't it? I always enjoy my visits here and wish I'd found you sooner but better late than never - Here's to #3!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
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