Last night we went to a local playhouse to see "Always Patsy Cline". The tickets were assigned seats, not general admission. During intermission the couple seated to the right of us and the couple seated to the left of us took flight for the break. Since I was on my feet all day at work, I was so happy that miraculously my bladder allowed me to continue sitting during the break. Right before the next act a DIFFERENT couple sat down to the left of us and a DIFFERENT couple sat down to the right! In a whisper, I pointed this out to my husband (who was also exhausted from work and I think he may have been Oblivious to even what show we were watching) He said "oh yeah, that's weird" WEIRD? I am totally baffled! I was SO tempted to just ASK the man to my right, but he was making all these disgusting noises with his mucous swallowing and sneezing and coughing that I tried to position my back towards him. I mentioned this mystery to the kids this morning and my (wise ass) middle son joked " Well, maybe you and dad smelled." Which, even if that WAS true ( which IT CERTAINLY IS NOT).... WHERE DID THOSE NEW PEOPLE COME FROM AND WHY WOULD THEY WANT TO SIT NEAR THE SMELLY PEOPLE??? I've gone through every flight of fancy my mind could muster and Nothing makes sense to me. Needless to say, I can't recall the second act... I was too busy figuring out the theatrical event that was happening around me while trying to repel germ man.

read much better flight stories at-

"Tis a puzzlement. ;)
How about eight people sharing four tickets?
Or, maybe the new people couldn't smell you due to their colds.
In any case, sorry you missed your second flight. Damned theaters, always overbooking.
Maybe they saw the people leave and when they didn't come back, they took their seats as they were better than the ones they originally had. I have done this at sporting events before. If there are better seats open, we move up for a better view. Although, I can't imagine wanting to get closer for community theatre trying to sing Patsy Cline. I would be looking for open seats behind me.
How can that be? Laughing. A mystery for sure - Patsy Cline's voice is one of my faves...
I wouldn't have noticed them.
I'm always asleep within minutes of the lights going down!
that is so strangely bizarre ... i think i would have had to ask them and how rude would i have been?
That was odd Lucy but I'm sure it wasn't you. Hope you enjoyed what you did see. lol
I could have used my new post here, oh well!
Now you're sure you didn't arrive for the last act, and then you saw the beginning of the next performance :-)
I can smell ya from here on the west coast! You need an Irish sprig....haha! I was laughing so hard at Germ man....you talk and think like me! I'd have been busy trying to figure out that whole scenario too! So funny Ms Petals!
Hugs Sherrie
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