This morning we sat outside to have our morning coffee and read the paper as usual. It was a beautiful morning. My husband commented that He couldn't believe it was already the end of August. I commented I couldn't believe our vegetable garden, which didn't do too well this year, had already come to an end .Before we could finish our conversation, we noticed a scurrying of many squirrels up and down and across the fence, the 2 story treehouse, Everywhere! Our dogs of course Were going crazy! Do you remember my tale about Cosmos passion for squirrels? Our attention was so focused on this crazy occurrence of at least 10 squirrels frantically running around to escape the barks of our pets, that we actually saw it happen. Cosmo Got one! One never knows how one is going to react to horror, terror or your schnoodle mauling a squirming squirrel. Let me tell you, it was out of my control. At 7:30 A.M I began to scream a blood curdling scream. I was frozen to my patio and couldn't run to stop it. I just screamed! I imagined Cosmo bitten and full of rabies or just nasty squirrel germs. I imagined it was the end of the poor straggly squirrel. Thank god Mr. Lulu ( who always reacts quickly in a crisis) ran towards him and yelled "drop it" ( a command Cosmo actually understands). He dropped it! The squirrel ran off, hopefully not wounded. I look up and my neighbor.... ( I can't even write this without laughing) my neighbor, who is an amazing guy in any crisis... (hurricane, your outdoor water spigot breaks, someone runs their car onto your lawn at 4 am or if your kid swallows a plum pit! ) He RAN out of his house in his underwear thinking I was being murdered! hahaha (Hours later I called him, just to laugh.)
At the end of the day, My oldest son had a very sensible,sweet take on the whole episode. What we saw as a terrible trait in our pet, he saw as a major accomplishment. He said " Think of it Mom, What is Cosmos only goal in life? To catch a squirrel, Well now he has achieved his goal. Think how great he must be feeling. I'm really proud of him." I would have never thought of it that way. Then Mr. Lulu said, "Yeah, Look how happy he looks, He is outside smoking a cigar".
The End.
check out sunday scribblings for more endings
1 week ago
Hilarious post….I love how the guy runs out in his undies….I hope it was boxers!!! He thought you were dying did he!! Glad Mr. Lulu had such good command of the dog. I would have stood there dumbfounded panicking too! I don’t do crisis well! Thank you for sharing that funny story…so glad your little ankle biter didn’t get rabies!!
Hugs Sherrie
That's what men are capable of...rescuing lady in distress...Mr Lulu seems slower in response...ha ha your post!
give Cosmo a hearty congratulations from me!
My cat understands the command "Drop it!"
It means sprint away and hide under something too low for a human to get under.
I love your son's take on things (though personally I'd have been right there screaming my head off with you), and I REALLY love the visual of the dog relaxing and smoking a cigar afterwards. Great stuff.
I was so relieved when the squirrel escaped.
Great post!
I was rootin' for the squirrel, too...
And I want your neighbor!
You gotta love your neighbor Lucy! I hope Cosmos enjoyed his cigar. LOL
One of the reasons I try to always have my camera with me. To be able to have immortalized your neighbor! What a great neighbor. You owe him something beyond hooting laughter.
Excellent post! I'm glad the squirrel escaped and I think that Cosmos will be very proud!
That was a funny story, but I bet at the time it was so scary. Love the ending.
My dog, Miss Cleo, has the same relationship with grackles (a kind of black bird) that your Cosmo does with squirrels. Once in a while she manages to catch one, which is amazing really, since she's a terrier and kind of klutzy, and she's always so proud, while I'm torn between disgust and pity for the bird.
Great post.
Kudos to Cosmos:
1. for achieving a life goal
2. for obeying a command in the throes of victory.
My Chihuahua, Abigail Maria Sanchez chases birds and lizards. The lizards double back on her and leave her confused. The birds just fly away...but she works so hard at it.
Once in awhile I'll find a lizard clinging for dear life to the side of the pool. a result of an almost victory by Abigail.
But if she wins she'll have to take her Havana outside, we are a non-smoking household!
Wonderful post.
How funny! Still laughing...
I just want the blessing of seeing the world as a kid sees it sometimes. More positive than we adults most of the time.
YOU have a way of telling a story like no one I know. Priceless Lucy, simply priceless.
Bravo to Cosmos, but I must admit I'm glad his catch got away.
I would have screamed too! And then laughed my head off. What a start to a Sunday morning. :)
I haven't had much computer time in the last few days, I was SO happy to read all your great comments! Thanks everyone! Cosmo still has a lot of bounce in his step! :))
tee hee ~ cosmo is so the man :) that is sooooo funny!! still giggling over here :)
Good morning dear Lucy!
It's so wonderful to sit outside with coffee and a paper, isn't it?!
Now about those squirrels...I have to listen to them every single evening and early morning as they chase themelves around on the roof above my bedroom. They have also taken over our trash can area and you need to knock on the lids 3 times before opening. On a few ocassions, I've had a squirrel fly out of the trash as I was opening the lid!
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