Sunday Scribblings prompt today is- Telephone.. they say
"Write about a particularly memorable phone call you made or received, or about your first telephone, or maybe a time you needed one but didn't have one. Or, remember way back a few years ago when everyone didn't have cell phones? Write about phones!"
It struck me so funny, when I read this prompt because JUST yesterday I had quite a memorable thing happen on the Telephone
My son is suffering TERRIBLY this allergy season. I didn't know if I should call his primary care dr. for an appointment, or his allergist. So, I just dialed the allergist. After a few rings the recording came on to instruct you which prompt to dial. I hit #3, it rings and THEN... A female voice answers but doesn't say hello instead in a whisper, she says "shut the fuck up" and HANGS Up! I stood there with the receiver in my hand and my mouth literally hanging open with shock! I know this doctors office too well, and Can't imagine any of their staff behaving this way! I didn't try back again.
Since we need a referral to SEE the allergist ( I HATE the bullshit that goes on with Health ins.) I decided to just call his PCP.
Today when I told a client about this, she said maybe because it was only 9:00, the cleaning staff was only there, and with allergy season in full bloom, maybe the phone was ringing off the hook , making them crazy. Good scenario, i guess. When I told my friend who is a nurse, She said I HAVE to call that Dr. and let her know what happened. I still haven't made the call, but I think I will. I was shocked, but imagine an elderly or sickly person being on the receiving end of such a rude, unprofessional comment. I think that would be awful. For me, not so awful, It gave me a reason to scribble!
Well, I'm an elderly person so if you can imagine me on the end of that phone call, you would hear laughter. Life teaches one not to be surprised by anything.
A very amusing post.
sounds to me like someone had called the office one too many times,, and who ever answered was pretty dang sure you were them again...... too funny... i wouldn't say anything,, shit happens.... and you got a blog post out of it to boot!!
I think I'd be tempted to say something. No matter how pissed off however answered the phone was they're still answering the phone to the public and should answer appropriately!!
Great timing though for this week's SS!!
How utterly bizarre. You'll have to let us know what it was all about if you ever find out.
I don't think the cleaning staff would answer the phones - all doctors have answering services to cover when the office is closed, and it's their job to be polite and professional.
I'd say something. Just so the doctor or office manager knows there might be something haywire in their system.
What a strange experience. I don't know if you can have cross-lines nowadays where you are, but a possibility I suppose.
Strange, can't wait to hear the outcome.
maybe the lines got crossed... but I doubt it. Sounds like someone at that office has some anger problems :)
how bizzare!!! - and more interesting than the ususal voice tapes, to be sure --- i think it's kinda funny, actually, but i'd be following up on it anyway - thanks for sharing!
What a shock that would be! I hope you (or someone else) lets the doctor's office know it happened. Lucy, I swear, the most unusual things happen to you! I mean this in the most loving way! I'm always delighted to read your blog. Happy mother's day.
Unfreakingbelievable!! Hope your kido feels better soon. Happy Mother's Day, Lucy!! xx, JP/deb
p.s. now blogging at www.janepoet.blogspot.com
Not really sure how I'd take that! Shock for sure! Hope your son finds some resolve with his allergies. Pepper has them bad too! I outgrew them, thankfully!
Hugs Sherrie
I think it would be a good idea to let them know of your experience. If there's an explanation (like that person had just had a series of abusive calls, maybe?) then there's an explanation. If not, the Doctor's office need to sort it out.
Hope your young one's better soon.
I'm sorry, but I think that is possibly the funniest thing I have heard all day! I hope you weren't too offended. It seems so ridiculous and unexpected. Thanks for making me laugh.
Too funny!! You'll probably never know just what happened, but it sure is fun reading all the conjectures... Good luck with those allergy woes!
Rude but really funny! hehe thanks for sharing.
Oh, man, that's too funny. I'd tell the doctor, absolutely -- but in the vein of "Wait until you hear what happened!" and make sure he knew I wasn't offended. But then, I'm not offended by things like that. Usually.
When I worked in radio and the phone would signal a call, if I was on the air, I'd often pick up the receiver and put it back down quietly. My callers knew that meant I was on the air and they should call back -- because we'd tell them to. Over the air. Without using the F-word. *grin*
Man, your story is just too funny. I might need to steal that and put it in some fiction! It'd make a great writing prompt.
dont know whether to laugh or cry... i can only imagine the shock and then laughter from the shock... but of course, i would tell the doctor as well... it is not something one wants to hear when calling a doctor's office... though it did make me laugh in a strange sorta way... is that bad??!!!
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