13 signs of spring
1.All of my homes windows and our cars are covered with green tree pollen
2.All of my kids are wheezing and sneezing and blind

3.Oak tree debris is getting stuck in the dogs coats and they are dragging it into the house each day
4.I need to vacuum daily
5.The squirrels are running amok outside AND building nests IN my house rafters

6.My husband asked me to buy peanuts... He is using them to trap the squirrels again and then he takes them for a nice long drive each morning
7.My eldest son exclaimed, "Dad looks like a hillbilly, taking those squirrels to work each day!"

8.My middle son replied,"if he was a hillbilly, he'd be Eating the squirrels"
9.Our tulips are sprouting!
10.The rabbits are digging up the sprouting tulips
11.We've planted beautiful inpatients and other beautiful flowers
12.The rabbits are digging up the inpatients and other beautiful flowers
13. I'm expecting very soon... my husband will be asking me to buy carrots ....

Hope you feel better soon, forgot to say that in my email!!! My daughter is feeling it too! But we just had our coldest April in thirty odd years. So still pansy time for me!
Hugs Sherrie
Spring comes late up there in the north country.
i am feeling your pain with my itchy watery eyes and stuffed up head .. hope you feel better soon honey, xo
i suspect mine are more allergies than sick but so worth it to see spring :)
You guys and those gawl-darn (said with my best Gomer Pyle accent) squirrels! And now rabbits, too? Never know what the Petals gang gets up to...
Love you,
Nodding my head and laughing Lucy. Feel better soon! HUGS
Squirrels are a challenge, aren't they? when they get in your house they are not cute at all!
Sounds a lot like spring around here. I love tulips and impatiens! Happy TT!
I love spring better than summer, but that's because I have troubles with heat and too much sunshine. :-)
Thanks for visiting my 80's TT!
It may not be fun, but it was certainly a funny post. Excellent :-)
Oh I love spring but not some of the things that come with it. Happy TT
Yes, spring has sprung and so have the allergies here, and a nice case of bronchitis it seems for Boo Bear. Feel better soon.
Happy TT, hope you'll visit my 32nd TT...Housework, Quoth the Mama, Nevermore at The Cafe.
Damn those bunnies! Good thing for them they're so cute! Happy TT and thanks for the visit.
I'm completely with you on #3. I get home and look at my jacket or sweater and it's always got that STUFF on it! (Love the photo of the squirrel!) Thanks for visiting my TT.
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