Have you ever quit something? A job, a sport, a school play, a relationship? How did it feel? Were you guilty? Flooded with relief and a powerful feeling of freedom? Do you maybe quit things too easily? Or do you never quit, even when you should? What does it mean to be a "quitter"?
Today I want to touch on a particular job I quit Which DID in fact make me feel flooded with relief! As I mentioned in a meme a few posts ago, One of my Brief jobs was as a substitute school lunch monitor. This was during the time after my husband was injured, and we all needed to do whatever we could to pay our bills. So for a few days each week, besides hairdressing, I went into elementary schools that needed subs and helped out. As I mentioned in that post, I quit due to The kids being SO obnoxious and disrespectful. What I didn't mention however, is that it was actually ONE obnoxious, disrespectful, wicked 5th grade boy who totally put me over the edge and made me want to quit that job. It is so timely that SS prompt is quitting while Writers Islands prompt is "the return" because a few days ago... The return of that horrible child's name came rushing back to me... as I read it, in black and white in my local newspaper.
I could have predicted his future 11 years ago. I had come home after an incident with him, I was so upset and told my husband-
"I cannot believe that such rudeness and nasty behavior can come from a 10 year old child! He seems truly evil. We have 3 sweet kids, Why the hell should I subject myself to such disrespect from someone else's monster!" So that was it, I quit and was Extremely relieved to do so. ( because as you know you are NOT allowed to punch or gag these little kids, and THAT is what I strongly desired to do!)
As for that wicked boys return...
He is facing major jail time for a hazing incident where he gave 2nd and 3rd degree burns to fellow students, by repeatedly pouring boiling water on them! Then covered them in flour, vinegar, cayenne pepper and wasabi sauce. All as part of an initiation to a fraternity. Are you as outraged by this as I am? How could anyone purposely hurt another like that? It is just appallingly horrible and so so sad.
Yesterday, I saw a brief segment about this story on local tv news. They interviewed a neighbor asking " Can you believe what has happened? And he said something to the effect.. "OH, No, Such a nice family, such a nice boy."
I'm sure he said that out of fear, knowing with our ridiculously charitable judicial system, The monster will be back on his street and in HIS nightmares, in no time at all.

There is not a doubt in my mind that the child was tormented and bullied behind closed doors by someone, or mentally ill. Children learn what they live. Many parents deny this is so....but it is. They can learn to despise a certain behavior and choose to oppose it, but for the most part they are a product of their environment, or mentally ill. Either way most children aren't born bad. Some are neglected, abused by siblings, other family members. At ten I surmise he was acting out. We had one in Peppers first grade. He was a mental illness case, the parents and brother were great people. The child was soon medicated and then had a care worker. But he was scary at six. I wrote the letter to the school board that got him the care worker. The other parents signed the petition! The teacher and principal were so grateful that the parents took a stand! With out it their hand were tied! Good story, sad scenario!
Hugs Sherrie
There are some situations from which one SHOULD quit! Didn't the school staff do anything about this child? It seems to me they should have been extremely worried about him.
I'll get around to your meme tag soon. I have to think about things like what I was doing 10 years ago. When WAS 10 years ago?!
Oh my! I would have been relieved too... Sad he didn't disrupt his pattern of bad behavior - could have saved those college kids alot of pain. What I don't understand is why they would have allowed him to continually do this to them, or were they tied up? I imagine from the first drop jumping up and running as fast as I could to get away!
There are some kids that find unreasonable methods to gain attention. They become addicted to it and unfortunately they will end up causing irrepairable injury which will bring some punishment back to themselves. Like lung cancer to smokers.
Walking away from unpleasant situations doesn't qualify as quitting. ;)
Usually the delinquent child has psychological or social problems, that's true - and they need to be dealt with appropriately.
But there's another side to the coin. Is it right that others should suffer because of their behaviour? A balance needs to be struck.
Oh my god, how horrifying. How on earth could his so-called "brothers" stand by and let this happen?!? Wherever he came from, this is monstrous!
basically I agree with giggles.
a child like that need a 'speciel treatment'. not a hard way, may be a different one. the bad thing is, when a child is known to be naughty or having bad attitude, society usually judge them, instead of help them out of the problem.
I can understand why you wanted to quit, and how quitting relieved you.
(There's so much I wanted to say, but I can only say it in Indonesian, I really don't know how to tell it best in English)
God, I truly don't blame you for quitting, I'd have quitted and probably be scarred for life, as such rudeness and wickedness really overwhelm me to a serious degree.
Isn't it interesting how when they interview neighbours in such situations they always say that the people were really nice and polite? Nobody ever says they're troublemakers!
I'm relieved with you :) Isn't relief great?
This is the main reaosn we homeschool. I have more control over who my children are surrounded by. that is not to say all home schoolers are angels, because we used to have t wo that were evil in the making.
But my son was taken out of the public school system becaus eof such bullies, and we never wanted to get, "That Call"
I also used to volunteer in the school down the street from us and I was in a 4th grade class and the children in there were already showing signs of being extremely disrespectful and rude. The teacher confirmed that she got little if any response when she called many of the homes.
I beleieve many children are born with a predisposition for vilonce, but your enviorment definitely is an influence.
Glad you quit!
I am totally outraged. He should never have boiled them if he was going to use wasabi.
i too am of the notion that there is much more to this boy than meets the eye... some how it seems as tho he had to have been harmed somewhere along the way,, and i am surprised that the education system never caught on before he got to this point... funny isn't it how there are people that seek to control every avenue of life,, but when it comes to really singling someone out as needing help... no one seems to want to get involved.... sad,, on all counts...
I was so horrified when I read this last night I didn't know how to comment. You were just lucky to have quit when you did, and what he's done now... doesn't bear thinking about being the parent of that lad.
You asked about the mixture my herbalist made that helped me quit smoking... I don't know exactly what it had in it... quite a few herbs, but I know it wouldn't have been of any use if I hadn't really decided at that time I wanted to quit, so I'm not sure what would help your husband if he hasn't made that decision yet. Good luck to him (and you!)
thanks for all your comments.
I want to add that the incident I had with this boy, DID result in him being sent to the principle office.
I'm sure that wasn't his only trip, So I DO think the school was aware of his behavior problem and MAYBE through the years, someone Did try to intervene and get him some help. Unfortunately, it wasn't help enough.
I can peg those kids at my kids' school. Last year, I wanted to literally punch a fourth grader for how he was acting while I was helping in the computer lab. There are another handful that you know will just turn out horribly. And what do we do? We loose them on society to get them away from us.
Wow, I can't believe how much venom you pulled from me with that post. Excellent post, obviously!
when one person does this to another, he is mentally ill. i wonder how he treats girls? i remember a dr. phil segment where he tells a mother that her child was exhibiting x amt of signs that indicated that he would one day become a serial killer (the kid was around 10 at the time). the signs are usually there pretty early on...whether it is a of a nature or nurture fault. boy, this must have not been too surprising for you...and yeah, i agree with what you said about the neighbors....what else can they say?
I don't often get to stop by your blog, but every time I get to I absolutely am entranced by it! This story was sickening and all too real. I'm a teacher and I often come across truly heartless young beings and they really make you wonder about parenting, what goes wrong and how a small act of hatred from a a young person like that can be enough to alter our lives. I've been teaching for 10years...we always hear about how teachers (good and bad) affect a child's life - what I liked about your post is that it brings light to how other's children (good and bad) affect the lives of adults around them too.
sorry forgot to leave the link to my SS prompt response ;)
What kind of parents produce that kind of child. There should be punishment for them!
Don't blame you at all for quitting that one!
someone dropped the ball with this boy for sure --- he was clearly a runaway train barreling down the track full throttle long before he began cooking folks - that quit was a wise move on your part, lucia!!!
Wow! This is a genuinely chilling story. I agree with those who posted earlier that said this monster was not born but made by things he suffered, but then, what of the child who was burned and tormented? It's a sad, sorrowful neverending cycle, isn't it? I'll have to share this with my mother. Until she got ill this month, she was a lunch mom. Has been one for years, but is tempted to not return next year. She just doesn't like many of the kids anymore.
I’m thinking that one’s got “psychopath” branded on his scalp somewhere near the “666” that must be there as well! What a godawful experience. I get all freaky around folks who exude the something’s-not-quite-right aura, so I wouldn’t have lasted as long as you. Maybe I’ve seen too many movies, but the psychopath seems a machine, which our minds can’t seem to wrap around because what we see when we look at them is another human. Bad stuff, good post…makes me thankful I’ve not had to deal with such a thing…and glad you’re clear of it!
I worry about those kids being tossed into society without receiving any mental health care. They are a danger to us all left unchecked.
Glad you quit that unrewarding job!
I like Lucia, sounds very sexy. ;)
its such a pity to see such harshness in kids.. good that you quit.. what a psycho...
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