I used to do my own eyebrow waxing, but about a year ago.. Common sense finally fell on me and I realized this is a pretty dangerous thing to do by yourself, especially if your fond of your vision.
I began patronizing a sweet girl who at first, of course, needed me to explain to her, what I preferred, but after a few waxing's.. She just remembered how I liked my eyebrows and did them perfectly.
I have weird eyebrows, because back in the 80's I saw sparse eyebrows in some magazine, LOVEd the look and decided to pluck the heck out of mine, so they didn't look so dense. Well, I created a bald spot that NEVER grew back! I've been warning women ever since..."BE careful about how thin you make your eyebrows, They eventually STOP growing back". After years of styling women's hair, I can't even tell you HOW many women have told me they have had horrendous experiences with their eyebrows Never growing back.
So, to camouflage the bald space I keep my eyebrows thicker than I would like so the lower hairs make a border and the bald spot is above that and it doesn't look so bad. Does that make sense?
I had explained all this to Kim on my first few visits. I told her I didn't like eyebrow pencil and my solution prevents me from needing it. Today, I was Kims first appointment. After a few minutes of my waxing I hear her Mumble a foreign word. (Later, I would realize It must have been the Korean translation of F@*K ) I said " Is everything all right?" NO answer. A minute later she sticks her head out of the waxing room and Starts speaking Korean to the owner of the salon. I have my eyes safely closed and I'm feeling more relaxed than usual. Immediately the owner is looking over me, I open my eyes " is everything Okay?" With that Sweet Kim just breaks down crying!! I'm talking Hysterically crying. The owner explains to me, "Kim made a little mistake." I felt so sorry for Kim, it didn't occur to me to ask for the mirror! I sat up and tried hugging her, I said "Kim! It's okay, don't worry, are you okay?" The Girl was inconsolable! She wouldn't look at me! She just had her face in her hands and was SOBBING!! The owner just looked at her and didn't try to calm her down at all.Instead, She handed me a mirror. Apparently, Kim took off that lower border that I was using to shadow my bald spot. OH WOw! It IS bad. Inside, I thought "oh shit! How do I fix this?" but outwardly, I said 'Oh it's not so bad, Don't worry Kim, I'm not so fussy, I will just use pencil." She finally calmed down! Her crying really softened the blow of my brow! If she would have been nonchalant about it, I may have gotten upset.
I can't believe how calmly i reacted. ESPECIALLY, when the owner CHARGED me for my bald eyebrow!! Normally, I would have said SOMETHING for an injustice like this, but I was still feeling, fragile Kim, would fall apart at anything relating to her 'accident'. I sucked it up and paid the 8 bucks!AND of course tipped Kim as well! Let me tell you though, I am seriously thinking of never returning. NOT because of Kim, but I think the owner Handled it so poorly, especially that I am a regular customer. What do you think?
1 day ago
i think the owner did handle it poorly and she should have given you a credit on top of not paying ... course that was after i picked myself up after realizing it only costs you 8.oo ... 20 over here baby! poor kim ...
i have thick eyebrows and other than shaping them a bit, i never go thin ... i can barely handle eyeliner, i hate to think what i would have to do if i was old and had to draw in my eyebrows ... eep ... so i keep them thick, i like them :)
I think the owner handled it very poorly, to my way of thinking she should DEFINITELY not have charged you!
i will never understand the mentality that says you have to pay when you do not get the service you came in to get... had it been me,, i would have told the owner,, that i was exercising my right not to pay for this dis-service.. before she had a chance to decide whether or not she was planning on charging me... you would be amazed at how well people will usually react if you assert your command over a them in a given situation...
i have never had a brow wax.. i have had one bikini wax in my life and although if it was close and easy i would probably indulge myself,, i am not driving an hour and a half round trip to strip a few hairs i cannot even see well enough to know they are bothering me!!!!
You are such a sweet soul to put up with that owner for Kim. I wouldn't go back. ;)
My hair dresser trims mine. I must have man hormones with my wild eyebrow hairs. lol
3WW Lives
Lucy, what the FFFFFFF is wrong with you. Under no circumstances would I have paid for that. I may or may not have popped a rod but no way would i have paid. I keep my brows pretty thin but there is a spot with a scar because of a fishing hook as a kid. let me know where their located I'll take care of them BOTH...
No wayyyyyyyyyy should you have had to pay. Uff da!
an eyebrow comb over!!! ROFLLMHO!!!!
sorry but I just couldn't resist ;p
I can't believe the owner charged you!! Make sure you let Kim know that you loved her service but her boss is one 'bossy' lady :(
I mean poor Kim, if you didn't pay then Kim would have gotten in trouble but that boss shouldn't have done that! Let her know that you'll notify her of another job if you hear of any because she's sounds so sweet and doesn't need a boss like that!
Make sure you recommend Kim as the one eyebrow wonder!! Well at least now you have your Halloween costume!! RRRR....Just add and eye patch and you can be a pirate! No big deal...nothing a few years of growth won't take care of! I jest...but I guess you can legitimately say " I'M NOT HAPPY!!!
Hugs Giggles
My eyebrows have more, longer, and bushier hair than my head. When I go for a haircut, the girls always give my brows a trim.
If it were me, not only would I not grace their door step ever again, I'd pass along my expeience to all my own clients....Word of mouth can be the best revenge.
I feel bad for Kim. She was obviously seriously upset. The owner, however, handled it poorly. You should not have had to pay for that! And, knowing you, I don't know how you kept it inside since you are in the same type of business. You could have let the owner have it. I think it's so kind that you didn't want to let Kim know how upset you really felt. Very admirable self-control there. But, maybe you could call the owner? I don't think you should have to pay for that. On the bright side, 8 bucks is a bargain in my neck of the woods. That's why I don't get mine done all the time. I really need them done. Plucking takes too long!
oh my gosh, the owner should have given you free something for future purpose and buy you lunch for not getting upset.
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