"As long as I have legs to walk on. You'll
NEVER have to take out the garbage.

"Ooh, Look, The NFL playoffs are today. I bet we'll have
No trouble parking at the crafts fair!"

" I don't have to have a reason to bring you flowers"

" I know, Let's take you shoe shopping"

"I made some Niman Ranch Lamb Tenderloin, with garlic, black pepper,and Indonesian soy sauce for dinner. I hope that sounds Okay"
The term is derived from the Latin word miraculum meaning "something wonderful".
sunday scribblings
My friends gave me a perfect husband doll and when you squeeze him he says all the things you want to hear. FUnny!
hey girl.. have you ever heard of niman ranch?? that is a bunch of local ranchers here in marin and sonoma counties... only they never sell is lamb.. hmmmmm...
anyway,, don't you wish,, just once a year,, like maybe on your birthday this was not just a fantasy??????
Too funny! I'd drop dead if my husband did these things!
Ever the funny girl....he does those thing for you though, doesn't he?....Mr. Cool Pants!! The wonderful husband that could go on the road giving seminars to those barbaric ones!
Hugs Giggles
These would be miracles!!! :)
These aren't miracles, they happen all the time thanks to my wife! LOL
Be honest - you wouldn't want it any different!
What fine fantasies!
Hey, I can cook, do shopping, buy flowers.
Maybe don't, but I could :-)
Only kidding.
Truly a miracle. LOL
I enjoyed witnessing those miraculous happenings!
Great post - still laughing!
bwahahaha!! If Grant did these things I would straight away wonder what on earth he had been up to???!
Thanks for the very positive comment on my little "Comments" rant.... sometimes you just have to vent a little eh!
Shoe shopping will be a much better idea with me.
I am sure there is a wife version of this with things like:
"Don't mow the lawn today the Jets are playing the Giants. I will mow it for you."
"It looks like we are running low on beer. I will go get you some while you watch the game."
"You look tired, why don't I just please you with my mouth tonight."
"My lover from college called. She is modeling here this week and asked if she could stay with us. We do have a king-sized bed"
"If I cut out my spa treatments and get a second job, I think we can afford that boat."
"Look at the rack on that girl over there, and she is not even wearing a bra."
"Jewely is a waste of money. What I would really like for our anniversary is a new vacuum."
We can dream, right?
Great post - that would definitely be a miracle, I especially like the idea of a surprise shoe shopping trip!
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