- House :: My house is my castle
- Think :: I think of some very weird things
- Clot :: Clot? that only brings to mind something too gross
- Believe me :: When I tell you, you NEED a mint
- Fumigation :: People have DIED on Long Island from West Nile virus. 1 out of 50 mosquitos carry West Nile Virus! I have about 48 bites on me.. If my husband doesn't spray our yard soon I am afraid I won't beat the odds.
- Bore :: Most of what's on T.V. is a total Bore.
- Luck :: Someone out there calls me Lucky Lucy, wish it was true while playing lotto.
- Patient :: My eldest son has SO much Patience! more patience than he should considering who is parents are.
- Tremors :: Some times I still feel these tiny tremors in my heart. A cardiologist ruled out anything wrong several years ago, but when I feel them shake I still get nervous.
- Pickles :: Kosher Dill or even Sweet, with a meal or as a quick treat. right out of the jar driving from the store in the car.. I just love pickles.

unconscious mutterings
Avon.com for Skin so Soft mosquito spray. It works, moisturizes and does not STINK.
TV gets much better in the fall. lol
Good answers, nice pickle!
Skin so soft from Avon does works, I met a lumberjack that said all the loggers wear it because mosquitoes blanket their arms when they're falling trees! They love me too....probably because we are cookie monsters!
Loved the mint one too!!
Hugs Giggles
Absolutely adorable answers!!! When you buy your next lotto ticket think of that Nicholas Cage movie, It Could Happen to You. Good Luck.
I'll go along with the others recommending Avon Skin So Soft. I'm a mosquito magnet and it's the only thing that keeps them off me.
Love your pickle delivery guy!
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