shhhh! sometimes secrets are not meant for only one
sharing harmless secrets generates a little Lucy type of fun
each morning when Mr. Fussy pours his morning cup of brew
He's unaware that I've been adding a tsp of cinnamon or two
I started with just a drop and each day the amount goes up
Leaving him unaware he is reaping healthy benefits in his cup
He is getting fiber, iron, magnesium while it lowers his cholesterol & sugar as well
New studies find The aroma may help memory and cognitive skills too, its a bit too early to tell
So why not just tell Mr. Petals the truth about his daily cup of tampered morning Joe?
He will then swear he thought it tasted unusual, an intuitive certainty I just KNOW!
I trust my fellow bloggers aren't blabbers and hope I don't seem a silly coffee jerk
It may be giddy, It may be daft, but I'm now quite amused with each pot I stealthily perk!
Sound Familiar??
I wrote this back in April but couldn't resist re-posting (and editing) it for Sunday scribblings Coffee prompt!
I will add a little update on the sneaky situation... A few months went by and My husband CAUGHT me cinnamon-handed! Like I assumed he would, he right away said, "I THOUGHT SOMETHING didn't taste right with this coffee!"
but when I told him about the health benefits, he said He didn't mind the taste. Coincidentally, Throughout the time of my tampering, EAch and every morning I was feeling nauseous. If I didn't know better I would have assumed I was pregnant.(god forbid!) One day I forgot to add the cinnamon and guess what? I Wasn't nauseous that day!! So all of a sudden the light bulb went off! shouldn't that expression be the light bulb went on? (It's been unusually dim lately) I think my nausea started around the time of my spiking the coffee!!
Sure enough, NO cinnamon No nausea!! THAt doesn't make sense, but what DOES make sense? as usual, any little schemes of mine always backfire on me!
gosh, you are just too cute :) hmmm, i should try cinnamon in my coffee ~ i wonder why it made you nauseous ...
Thats like the time my mother made lamb burgers and the boys said they were the best hamburgers they ever tasted. then we started to bahhhhh and they were gagging. its in the head. change is all in the head.
Loved that!
Now, have you ever thought that the nausea could have been psychosomatic guilt? :-)
I think you got what you deserved for being more than a little bit devious. Nice post as always.
My youngest son is allergic to cinnamon, something I often forget when he visits. I will put cinnamon on almost anything (even scrambled eggs) but especially like it on lattes.
You verse is definitely worth seeing a second time. Thanks for posting it.
Great story! And rhyme!
How much of the healthy powder did you build up to? A friend of mine did that and I could not figure out why her coffee was so tasty and when I asked she shared. But I can't do the same thing everyday.
heheh you sneaky woman ;) Served you right, didn't it?
To be honest, I really dislike the taste of cinammon so I'd be as mad as a dog if someone did that to me. But you had only the best intentions, I know.
You were just trying to do something healthy for your husband. Too bad you got sick for your "good deed". :)
Thanks for coming by my blog.
I remember this post about your sneaky coffee! So, you finally got caught. Well, if it was making you nauseous, I bet you're glad.
I don't drink coffee, so I'm drawing a blank for Sunday Scribblings. That has happened to me a lot lately with the writing prompts. I'm spending so much brain power with school and lessons, I have none left.
Isn't it funny how our guilty conscience can thwart even the most altruistic efforts!! Glad it's out in the open, no tummy aches for you & Mr. Petals is still reaping the health benefits!
I enjoy reading other peoples' verses ALMOST as much as I like writing my own! Even with the rhymes the story was perfectly clear.
I'd forgotten about cinnamon in coffee; I used to do that years ago!
I do remember this one because it reminded me of years ago when I was trying to get healthier foods into my husband and substituted decaf for his regular coffee. He didn't notice for a couple months but when he did....not a hapy camper! He was wondering why he had a hard time staying awake on the drive to work.
Now that was a fun read. At first, I thought you were referring to something more potent. Glad it turned out to be something healthy.
guess you have to run two little pots...
Oh, too funny - in a warped sort of way! Grin. I used to put cinnamon in my coffee! I might start again because I don't remember any ill effects but I don't remember a lot.
okay I went out and bought cinnamon pills for my husband and me. I know one thing they leave your breath all tingley.
cinnamon in coffee ha?..yeah I have heard its good for heart too
I remember this original post! your update is too funny! I couldn't take cinnamon in mine...someone said that it settles the tummy so I made cinnamon toast, nasea all day, maybe it only works for certain people?
I don't think your light bulb has been dim at all...I think most of the time it shines so bright that the rest of the time it's like the rest of us :D
Funny. Well, at least the problem was easily solved.
I had to laugh at your prediction. LOL Sneaky girl! When coffee is a tad too strong or cheap, I get nausea. Maybe it's not cinnamon.
No news yet. XXOO
You know, cinn is antibacterial, and when your body is getting better you FEEL sicker (I know - what's up with THAT?), so I'd check with a natuopath (sp) on that, cause it might have been better for you than you realized.
Then again, maybe not. I'd get muscle tested. :)
Glad you re-posted this. It made me laugh and sounds like a really good idea too! Definitely the kind of thing I would try.
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