Is it just me or do many married people find that It can be just ONE stupid or small thing that can make you want to choke your partner?? I think of myself as a very tolerant wife. The BIG stuff that I've let slide off my back would impress you! BUT, ONE stupid thing can just get me in a tizzy!
Last week my husband was ironing his work clothes. YES, He actually helps with the ironing. Some wives will stop reading right here, right? How bad can he be if he irons. Well, You get used to the helpful qualities and I DO appreciate my husbands helpfulness and ALWAYS tell him so. Anyway, So he is Ironing, And I must admit.. He DOES iron circles around me. He had a Mom who taught him well, MY mom didn't even OWN an iron. Back to the ironing board...
so he is done with the dress pants and they are laying so amazingly flat on the board.(I really should swallow my pride and let him teach me How the heck he gets them so perfect). He then takes a bathroom break. Without saying anything to him, I decide to be helpful since I am heading to our bedroom anyway... I PICK up the perfect pants and LAY them ever so neatly on our bed. Well!! Mr. Flat pants... has a stroke over this! (I guess he may say MY act of CARELESSNESS would be His ONE small, stupid,thing that puts him in a tizzy!!) Anyway...
I am verbally attacked!! (Okay, blogging leads you to exaggerate a little) "WHY did you move my pants??!!" I replied, "I was going to the bedroom, I thought I would help you, WHY?" Okay... ARe you ready for Mr. Perfectos answer?? " THEY WERE COOLING!" He then went On... saying something like- You should have asked me first.blah blah blah... I didn't hear anything after... My pants were cooling. I stared at him With my mouth open and my eyes dumbfounded... I closed my mouth and replied " you fucking COOL your pants??" I don't remember what else we said, but he got over it quickly. I, however have NoT! I have been analyzing WHAT type of crazy Nut needs to cool his pants?? I mean as a hairdresser, I know the importance of using the cool button while blow drying hair. You heat up the hair the way you want it and then you zap it with cool air to lock it into place. But for a man to take the time to cool his pants, well it is beyond my comprehension. I know I married a perfectionist but This habit is truly ticking me off! So the next day.. When he irritated me over something else.. My answer to him WAS... AH, GO COOL YOUR PANTS!! At first he was annoyed at me, BUT now that I have said it EVERY DAY to him.. He if finding it funnier and funnier himself. At least we are laughing, but inside.. I still think he is too weird!
LOL You can sure tell a story Lucy but then "hot pants" gives you great material. ;) XXOO
Listen, what is the big deal? Next time pick his pants up and put them in the freezer. See how he likes them STIFF...
Oh, I can see how just one little thing starts something bigger. And you were only trying to help. Men tend to get over things more quickly than women do.
Oh Lucy, you make me laugh every single day!! (And God knows today I need it...)
It seems to be a male trait that if they take over a formerly female dominated task they have to go waaay overboard. Grant does it with cooking (and btw he irons too, definitely a keeper!) It's not just that he cooks, he has to cook fancier, tastier and better than me! It drives me nuts - yes I am enormously thankful that he helps out in the kitchen (honestly, I am!), but can't he just do it in a normal, everyday way, why go completely OTT???
GiLL!! YES! YES this is exactly IT!! YOU so hit it on the head! Thanks for this insightful comment. MY husband Does DO the SAME thing when cooking!!
Our husbands must sing that stupid song in their heads "I can do anything better than you can" He Will Sometimes go so overboard in the kitchen that He ends
up RUINING the food instead of making it tastier. haha
Thanks for the comments ladies!
My comment was lost Lucy....I howled over this one!! Came back to read it to Pepper, she has one who irons too! Isn't there a saying " OH JUST GO COOL YOUR PANTS" I think there is, maybe this is where it came from!! You crack me up MS. Petals with the perfect husband...the freezer sounds good to me too! Good one Tammy...
After all you only need one Hotpants in the family!
Hugs Sherrie
Hahaha.. this cracked me up! Funny stuff!!!
Yes, I am older (51) and yes I am horrible addicted to World Of Warcraft. Surprisingly I not the only one of my age who is.. lol
Here's an example of me not being very clever at working in a link for a sponsored post:
Me again.. I came back to read this to my husband.. He laughed, too. :)
hmmmmm.... makes me wonder if that is his ironing secret...... let them cool before you move them.... hmmmmmm.....
I have never let anyone iron my shirts or my trousers - pants are something else her, and even I wouldn't iron them!
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