Miss Lucy from Lulu's Petals
Requests the honor of your creative comments
so that we may write an imaginative, fun, community poem together.
Miss Petals will start below with the first two lines
(Mind you, She has NO idea what this type of poem is called)
(Dr. Seuss Style?)
she would like every two lines to rhyme.
The first person to comment will continue
the poem by adding two more lines with a new rhyme,
And so on and so on.
Your comments will then be
combined in a future post to display our
global collaborated achievement!
(Much like the fun we had here and our final draft here)
Please RSVP by Monday September 22,2008

OUR cooperative Poem
As we all know, An impending historic U.S. election draws near
For Many American's, their essential decision is still unclear.....
Okay! You're next... Add two lines and each person thereafter can continue from the one above!
Hope you'll respond to my invitation!
no matter how you cut, it precedent is about to be set
is the best (wo)man for the job even running? that's still anybodies bet....
oh this is fun... cant wait to see how it works out!!!!!!
The government's broken and does not hear our voices
The two party system leaves us with two bad choices
We the people the constitution does say
Although our needs and our wants don't come much into play
Around the world it's making the news
Everyone anxious to see who'll you choose
will it be the first black man
or a veep who's the first woman?
this is called a round robin story/poem/etc
Can't you just wait
To watch the debate
as Canada anxiously watches from the north
to see who the American's will pour forth
(I figured it out lulu! :D)
The biggest economy, the biggest power house,
All hinged upon who conquers, the pretty white house.
Does it all really matter?
They're both full of nonsense and bather.
But whomever wins is sure to regret
The prize of a gigantic national debt.
However, if you believe in the teachings of the Dahli Lama (sp?) Then the choice is clear, Barack Obama
oh dear - wish I could edit - that should be "blather"... sorry!
So make sure you pay attention,
and vote in the next election!
Can't help but type again,
we really need a very good president.
This is fun!
but if the ease of the rich you wish to sustain
vote for the slut and the corpse of MickCain
Let us hope the '08 election isn't rigged;
if so, truth and justice will be reneged;
thanks, Lucy - great idea!! xx, JP/deb
if the oldest man and trophy veep win
it's because he does the most ugly spin
Heaping on everyone plenty of blame
Putting the democratic system to shame
(Hey, I did it!)
Let me think and I'll be back. COMPANY...YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A big change is important, very much due
before another unscrupulous war does ensue!
Let us stop splitting hairs across party lines.
We must unite together through these tough times.
(Sorry my brain is fried. lol)
Wow! what a great team effort!
Keep 'em coming,
Tomorrow I will post the very long, diverse Poem! Thanks everyone!
As a veteran it will hurt me to elect
A man, Hussein, who gives my flag no respect
Ah Lucy I'm sorry I missed your invitation but it sounded really fun and I'm going to give the end result a proper read in a sec. I will also send you and email in response to your comment on my blog :)
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