(although when i criticized myself in this photo, my honest son said "Mom this is what you look like, i don't know what you don't like) I just love that kid! and I just love that Tammy too!! I feel so lucky to have gotten to know her and am truly moved to call her my 'dear' friend. Thanks for the kick in the butt girl!
Would you like to see what I was cooking?? Here is the lower half of my pic and my fry pan...
I sauted chicken cubes and sundried tomatoes with garlic and olive oil, I added homemade pesto sauce, then plopped all this over penne and added More pesto... It was delicious or as my husband likes to say 'fine restaurant quality'!
**precious time**- LATeLY I am constantly miffed if I spend time doing anything I don't consider
worthwhile.. Like if we are watching tv and it's just trash, I say to my husband "life is too short to be staring at this shit!"
Or if I am waiting on line at staples (for back to school supplies) for THIRTY minutes! I said to the woman behind me.. " Life is too short to waste 30 precious minutes HERE!!"..
WHAT is wrong with me lately??? Do I think I don't have long for this world??
Sherrie has told me I should read the secret.. If there is a secret to becoming more tolerant..I better get to a store (but not during peak hours!)
UpDaTe- I already HAD to change the new pic, I just hated it!!
i love your new pic! you do look a little frightened in this photo though..you have a "get that thing out of my face" expression!
Tammy is such a doll and so are you in that cutie Patootie picture!! I never minded the Christmas tree one...I became oblivious to the tree....haha! But I do love seeing
different photos of you!! You sure are young looking....very beautiful with that gorgeous smile and large brown eyes....no wonder mister petals is so smitten!!!
That dish looks so yummy something I should also try!! Get the movie version of the secret...you may find the book to dry. Be careful not to get the wrong movie though. I notice a big box office movie with the same name. You need the documentary version. Of course you have to be open to this kind of thing for it to work though!!
Hugs Sherrie....
I LOVE it Lucy! The curly Lucy really suits you and your spunk. :) I had Dave do the tomato dish and he loved it. Thank goodness for the help with variety. This looks great, keep them coming.
You sound stressed Lucy. Time for a overnight couple date. ;)
I love the picture it is much nicer than the tree one. But you do realize that christmas is not that far away. lol
don't worry about your lack of patience,, when it is truly needed you have plenty... and i love the pic!!! you are a darling inside,, and now we know out as well!!!!!!!
Your new profile pic is wonderful! You've gone blonder since the pix you sent me for the hairstyle. You are too cute to be my friend! Just kidding!
That dinner looks yummy, too.
I know what you mean about precious time. I took my son's trumpet to the music store today, and it took about 45 minutes for what it should have taken 5. That can be so frustrating!
I'm going to sound like I'm gushing and I am not a gusher by nature.... but I LOVE your new pic - very friendly looking, it looks exactly like I imagine you to be and your supper looks simply divine!!
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