Free association is described as a "psychonanalytic procedure in which a person is encouraged to give free rein to his or her thoughts and feelings, verbalizing whatever comes into the mind without monitoring its content." Over time, this technique is supposed to help bring forth repressed thoughts and feelings that the person can then work through to gain a better sense of self.
That's an admirable goal, but for the purposes of this excercise, we're just hoping to have a little fun with the technique. Each week I'll post ten words to which you can respond to with the first thing that comes to mind.
- Crankiness :: is so Hard to tolerate, just put on your big girl panties and get a @#&* GrIP!
- Backpack :: My Sons backpack upsets me every school year! It weighs more than he does and I worry so that he will have back problems one day.
- Clone :: If I had a clone, she would be the one driving all over town doing mindless errands
- High ground :: Where I want to be The NEXT time my cesspool backsup
- Dreams :: In my head are like full length action movies, if I would just wake and write them down, I would be Lulu Spielberg
- Lovingly :: I so enjoy lovingly stroking my husbands hair till he falls off to sleep.
- Mistake :: Why is it some spinless people would rather blame someone else before admitting they made a mistake?
- Carson :: One of my favorite tonight show moments was when Jimmy Stewart sat next to Jonny Carson and read a heartfelt lovely poem about his dog who had just died. SO sweet and sad. I think cArson teared up too.
- Errand :: I HAVE my big girl panties on BUT errands seem to BE my life and they make me cranky
- Dozen :: Why is it that Every time I buy a dozen eggs, I only end up with 11? Even though I always check them in the store,There always seems to be one that is stuck to the carton.
Visit Unconscious Mutterings. for more free associations
A while back Two special bloggers presented me GOlD CArDS!
Genuine Jen from

And Diane from forgetfulone

These two bloggers have been wonderful cyber friends and both write very warm,informative blogs! Thanks so much for thinking of me girls! I also hope we will be blogging friends forever!
hope everyone will check them out.
1 comment:
I have my big girl panties on and do what I have to do, which actually, will be lots of errands, particularly tomorrow.
You're so deserving on this award, my friend.
And there is a recent pic of me on my journal - speaking of the hair stuff the other day.
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