2. Give me - Chocolate Ice cream or give me Vanilla, when It comes to ice cream, I'm not too choosy!.
3. I am listening to Judge Judy ream someone .
4. Somewhere, someone is thinking sweet thoughts.
5. I'll always be SHORT and I'll always be MOM
6. My idea of a good time includes crack and an orgy ONLY KIDDING!! my real answer-music & dancing.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to eating the delicious ravioli dinner I've got simmering then soaking in the hot tub with my favorite wine and man , tomorrow my plans include working most of the day then FInALLY using my mothers day gift certificate for a full hour body massage,followed by an easy take out dinner and MORe hot tubbing and Sunday, I want to Sleep late, EAt whatever the hell I please ( hershey bars included) sunbathe, read and RElax!
visit more fill ins

Oh yes yes yes to #1...if only ... gah!
Thanks for playing, hope you have a great weekend :-)
I loved your answers. This was fun! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great weekend.
Crack and an orgy! You "crack" me up. I can do without crack - several kinds, in fact. I'll always be short, too. Why is that?
Enjoy your massage this weekend! You deserve it.
To underline, just use html tags. Put < u > at the beginning of the line you want to underline (with no spaces, though) and < / u > at the end of the line. I don't know much html, but I'm learning!
thanks Diane! that was easy, I already changed it!
thanks for your comments Janet and Charlie & me
I will take a few of those Hershey bars!!!!
What server on World of Warcraft does your son play on? I am on Terenas.
Hmmmmm... I wonder what the far reaching consequences of your #1 would be. Interesting to think about!
I have an unused Mother's Day body massage too! Thanks for the reminder!
you're a trip luc....
Wait, no crack and orgies?!? lol
Your weekend plans sound lovely. Hope you have a relaxing one indeed. Cheers! ;)
Lucky man in the tub with you - he'll get to share your wine!
Hope you got to do all that and more...wink wink!!
Hugs Sherrie
Google reader is working on this end!!
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