I am at my wits end with my little Molly Girl. She is acting all crazy again. I've written about her unusual behavior here and here
She hasn't been as bad as I had described. NoW,She WILL go outside without Cosmo most days.
(Unless it's very VERY dark and very VERY noisy with crickets)
But now Today she is shaking and hiding. If you pick her up she screams like she is in pain.
I laid her down and gently touched every part of her. Then I checked her pads for a possible thorn. I looked in her ears, her mouth. I even checked that she didn't have a poop stuck to her butt!! I then massaged her more roughly, she didn't scream. We got her to go outside and she just hides under the trampoline and shakes. I don't know what is wrong. I really don't think this warrants an emergency vet visit, unless they have a Psych ward. She did go to the grooomer on Thurs. She was fine when she came home, she was fine yesterday. Could it be that she is itchy where they shaved her belly and that is frightening her??
I've offered her all her favorite words.. ChEEse! GooDIEs! CHiCKen!! SHe didn't once come running. She stayed in her doggy bed and let Cosmo do all the tricks for treats.
I am so worried that she may seriously have some doggy mental disorder. I am now off to crawl under the trampoline, pick up my fat, wacky, cockapoo, and bring her back in the house again. Wish me luck.
your little molly is definitely suffering from some anxiety issues.. my ky is a very nervous dog in some ways she is psycho too,, like she doesn't like being petted,, more often than not if i reach out and pet her unannounced,, she will jump up and run away from me!!!
over the years i have found if i maintain a monologue with her,, and she is looking at me while i talk and then i reach out to her and touch her she is fine,, it is just when i reach out for her and she doesn't see it coming that she is frightened.. so now,, i know i have to get her attention first,, and then touch her,, so she won't panic...
i leave my back door open all day that way the dogs can come and go as they please.. so none of mine have ever had outdoor anxiety...yes,, i do get an occasional fly or bird or bee in the house,, but that pales in comparison to the sense of freedom they have... maybe if the door was always open she would venture out on her own.. but then again,, you guys would freeze your ass off in the winter that way huh???
maybe the vet can give her a little something to take the edge off,, maybe if she is medicated you can show her that there is nothing to fear in some situations that she would not enter into if she was not medicated.. i am thinking her quality of life cannot be all that good if she is constantly filled with fear...
i would be interest in how this progresses tho....
when she is outside, is there a particular area of the yard that has her more anxious? does she stare at or avoid looking at certain spots?
Our doggy has been sick the last two days, also. Back in January, he had the same symptoms, just much worse, so we're waiting to see and hoping he gets better. Poor Molly Girl. I hope she's back to her old self soon.
I have no idea! Hope she feels better soon :)
I wish well for Molly!
trying to find a meaning
Oh, poor puppy! If she lets you touch her all over, I agree that it probably isn't anything that warrants emergency attention. But take her to the vet when you can. A friend of mine has an elderly border collie who was behaving strangely and found out she had developed allergies. Apparently allergies can come on rather suddenly and they could have an impact on her hearing or balance and that may be what's scaring her. Or maybe she's just a nervous, nervous girl. Good luck to you and Molly.
Oh my I sometimes think they pick things at the groomers. Mine would sometimes be ill soon after a grooming. I was always suspect because of it! Or they would have the runs right after it too! Keep an eye on her I sent my email...
Poor baby!
Hugs Giggles
I was told sometimes they act crazy like that when they can't go the bathroom. Kinda like gotta go gotta go but can't. they seem timid and afraid. etc. I don't know.hope she gets better.
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