SundayScribblings asks... How did you meet your significant other?
It was March of 1976. My best friend Linda and I were attending high school during the day and beauty school at night. We were 16 and boy crazy galore. During the previous summer, Linda had to go to summer school for GYM and even though I didn't need summer school, I actually went with her EARLY each morning, JUST to sit on the bleachers and flirt with the older (UN-athletic!) boys!
That's what I would call boy CRAZZZY!
When we began beauty school, being so young and so naive, I never imagined it was a place to scope out cute boys. The only boys in a beauty school would be gay boys, no? NO! One day, in walks a new group of 3 students. Two girls (One becomes Aunt Mare) and one very cute shaggy haired boy.

Linda whispered, "Too bad, he must be gay." Can you believe how silly and stereotypical two young girls can be? As cute as he was, I didn't pay much attention to him. HE, however noticed me right away and the next night, he sat next to me and was really friendly.

I instantly liked him and felt attracted to his Charismatic charm and humorous outgoing personality. A friendship developed. Each night we found time to chat, Each night, I felt comfortable enough to tell him about my crushes and boyfriend woes. Later on, I would find out, That each night he grew more and more crazy about me. BUT, knowing HOW young I was, He didn't think he should date me. Instead, He made his rounds, dating many of the other girls in school. I will NEVER forget hearing the lamest conversation between two girls the night shaggy boy first entered the classroom.
One girl Donna (who Linda and I didn't like! She was SO uppity!) Said to Regina...
"oooh, I am going to GET him." And REgina said "no, I don't think so, I'm going after him first" and uppity Donna said... (are u ready for this?)... "you think so? MORe PoWER to YOU"! haha SUCH 70's Psycho girls! So shaggy dates both THEN dumps both of these piranha's, while his heart is secretly pining for guess who?? (later... I will be told... The girl with the great legs in the marshmallow shoes!) Do you remember those crazy white platforms? well, that's another blog post...
So shaggy boy, who now..after all these tigresses got their amateur scissors into his hair, was Not so shaggy but much more Tony Manero looking (remember Travolta's hair in SAturday Night fever??) tells me about his cousin Dino. He wants to fix me up with, Dino, because Dino is 'about my age' and a really nice guy. I remember feeling so let down and trying hard not to let my feelings show. I was hoping Shaggy was feeling for me what I had been feeling for him. I was feeling he was More than just my new best friend, he felt more like a soul mate to me. We had a great chemistry, He was Someone I wanted to share more than just a friendship with. The next day, He told his friend Glen about wanting to fix me up with Dino, and his friend said "are you crazy? All you do is talk about this girl, Why don't YOU just ask her out yourself?" He reminded Glen that I was only 16, but Glen didn't think age should matter in matters of the heart. SO, after much tortured thinking... This SOUl mate, best friend,Disco hair on a rock and roll hearted boy... made his move. (Where do you take a little girl to make a move on her?) He asked me to go out for ice cream after school one night. My dessert may have been icy cold but my heart was warm and melted, when he planted that first, memorable kiss on my lips! The rest, as they say... Is history! Dad and I have been true soul mates and best friends for 32 loving years.

Aaaw. Thats so cute! How old was he when you two met? Yes I hope I do find someone better lips;-)
That is such a sweeeeeet story! You're lucky to have found your soul mate, and he was a hottie, too! I can't believe you were only 16 when you met this person you would spend your life with. That is so amazing! I've never been good at making the right choices with the opposite sex. I'm happy for you!
...I didn't pay much attention to him. HE, however noticed me right away and the next night, he sat next to me...
oh boy... why do such things happen to us?
this is so sweet, lucy!
Great story. 32 years? I must have met my beloved at about the same time.
This is so sweet! I thought that was going to be me too! He reminds me of Bryan when Pepper met him....the girls called him shaggy! I'll tell you more in an email!! Loved this post and picture of your DH!! Sweet and intimate story!
Hugs Sherrie
Thanks everyone for your comments!
Strawberry- He had Just turned 20 and like the song.. I was 16 going on 17!
Diane- Thanks! It is pretty amazing, isn't it? We are very very lucky.(him being a hottie was helpful too! haha)
Latree- Why DO these things happen to us? haha
Anthony- We'll been married 28 years this year, but our relationship began with that kiss in '76.
Sherrie- I would love to hear more in an email! DH? Disco Hair?? haha
i enjoyed the photos of this very much; brought me a smile
I like how you addressed this like a letter to your kids! Very cool story!
I actually said "awwwwwwwwww!" out loud! Wow! 32 years? WOW!
See! Marriages do last long! 21st century uban legends. :p
I just loved this - what you said and the way you said it. A delight.
you never mentioned how much older than you he was?? i know a couple of years seems way too old when you are only sixteen,, so i am intrigued....
you know how i feel about you and "shaggy"....jealous.. totally f*ing jealous... but that is another post all together....XXXOOO
Way back then Did you ever think you would stick with anyone or anything for 32 years?
This definitely requires a bucket...but in the nicest possible way. :) How cute you both are - I love the photographs. I was actually born in 1976, so I enjoyed the comments about the marshmallow shoes and the Saturday Night Fever hair.
16, wandering around the state fair carnival, looking to catch the eyes of a cute boy. his eyes briefly meet mine and then the game begins. attraction sends out ... "follow me"... "let me be beautiful and desirable"... "let me feel light and loved".
Then, in time, the move to more meaningful connections, deep love, commitment. The flirty fluttery foundation that started what you now have - it sparked what is and is sealed with a kiss... Lucy, thanks for the reminding me of those beginnings.
That is so sweet and romantic! My hubby and I also got together at that age.
oh my gosh ... this is so romantic :)
oh my gosh ... this is so romantic :)
This could be a serious chick flick - so romantic! I felt like I was watching you on the big screen. LOL It's nice to know they are other happy endings out there!
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