Sunday, August 10, 2008

unconscious mutterings

Week 289

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Month to month ::
  2. the bills are relentless
  3. Adjusted ::
  4. my bra straps but they still keep sliding down my shoulders
  5. Prank ::
  6. My favorite prank as a child was calling some random number, pretending I just used my last dime and can't remember my home number and need a ride home from the movies..
    Many promised to come get me... I feel so evil

  7. Mop ::
  8. I used to mop my kitchen floor EVERY night when my kids were little. I think I was #$%@ing INSANE!
  9. Clarity ::
  10. before I married, NO ONE gave me exact clarity to how MUCH laundry would be involved
  11. Parenting ::
  12. When done with all of your heart, is the most difficult, yet most important job
  13. Glenn ::
  14. with 2 n's is a name with one n is a valley,both leave me mutterin' Notin'
  15. Fingerprint ::
  16. I never thought I would miss the many fingerprints all over my molding and doors
  17. Pineapple ::
  18. Is delicious, I love it, but eating too much of it, makes my tongue burn.
  19. Attorney ::
  20. Somedays, Like an attorney, I would like to charge my clients for my phone time. I have a few people who need to call me 4 and 5 times for ONE haircut appointment.

visit Unconscious Mutterings


Giggles said...

Haha I used to wash my huge white floor every night before bed when Pepper was little too!! Were we nuts or what....I was the only nutcase that did that too! I think I needed to give my head a shake!!
Great answers...
Laundry....defineatly more insanity...why are we still doing it...another head shake!

I have my mutterings on a timer...did them yesterday! Also I am going to tag you for a get ready!! Think of six quirky things about you!!

Love Giggles

Giggles said...

You are tagged my dear!! Yes I must know at least six quirky things about you!! Like that will be hard!!!

Love ya!