Wow! I have been honored with the thinking blogging award!
A big THANK-YOU to my buddy Giggles who awarded me. Giggles is such an artistic, prolific blogger. When ever I need a little pick me up I can always count on her for a mood lifting, heart warming read. She definitely deserved this award. No offense to her usually good judgment, but gee giggles.... Are you sure I am worthy?? I mean between jabbering about rotten pears and ranting deliriously about colorforms ... I really don't feel I fall into any award category with the word "thinking" in the title! I am however very excited and flattered about the generous compliments you gave me. I am also excited to tag bloggers who I find entertaining and thought provoking.
Even though you were just chosen, May I choose you again? ( I am new to the blogging award etiquette and possibly rigid rules)
So in no thought bearing order- My first choice is Sherrie (giggles) over at happytiler
Please check out her creative, inviting blog. (You will need a cozy blanket and a cup of tea to complete the beautiful setting she has provided for us.)
My next choice has to be cute Ally bean over at crazydustinmycoffee. With my morning coffee, I need a daily fix of Ms. Beans witty, insightful takes on anything from kids innocently misbehaving at Krogers to the adorable conversations between her and her husband. Like Giggles, Crazy Dust will get your mind going and your heart melting.
My next thinking award has to go to Deirdre over at writing anam cara. The depth and intelligence of this amazing, addicting talented writer will have you crying and chilled and wanting to invite her over for Christmas dinner. This "Soul Friends" emotional honesty is breathtaking. The next thinking award is a no brainer. The lovely and enchanting Jane over at Paintedhouse52will have you feeling like you want to improve yourself in every way. She is an inspirational Mother. A talented, creative artist, a truth seeker. I feel like I have been more motivated on being self-assured and courageous from Knowing Jane than from any books I've read. My 5th award goes to Faith over at Dawns Glory. Visiting Faith is like visiting your good friend. She feels real and down to earth. You can open her fridge, put your feet up on her coffee table and instantly become engrossed in whatever she has to tell you.May I end by saying, This cute award game has inspired me to Try and THINK Deeper. Think of posts that WILL be gripping & intriguing & NOT silly like Color for your Betty & Torturous underwear. My brain is already straining.
( Oh, if you've been tagged click the link to thinking blogger to learn the rules )
Thank you ever so much, dear Lucy! Your words are so kind and I am really so glad to have found you!!!
Oh, Lucy, thank you so much. I needed this today. You're a sweetie.
Thank You Lucy:o) I feel a real connection to the people who write the blogs I visit regularly too. Actually that is one of the main reasons I started the whole process in the first place. I stuggle to write sometimes and feel a little embarassed to post but you have given me a new outlook. That is the best gift to recieve:o)
Thank you for the kind words and many accolades! I certainly didn't expect to be honored again!
Please Lucy I hope you won’t change one lovely thing about your blog! It’s funny, rich in memories and full of love! Always a pick me up! Don't lose that please! I just love your blog, it's that simple. It does make me think!
Hugs Sherrie
To dear, deep-thinking, full-of-heart Lucy,
Stay JUST THE WAY YOU ARE and please write just the way you do. You are wonderful!
From your buddie with cute wrists and hands (hee, hee!),
Thanks for including me on your list. I can't wait to read the other blogs that you listed so that I can find out what I've been missing.
[I hope that this comment goes through the system. Blogger hates me today.]
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