Last weekend we had a fun road trip upstate to visit my oldest son. On the road I observed how strange my senses work. When my husband said " Do you smell fire"? I couldn't, until I turned down the music, then "YES I DO smell fire!" When he said " Oh god look at that accident" I couldn't see it very well, until I turned down the music! "oh that's awful"! Does anyone else have this oddity? Anyway, we went upstate because we wanted to celebrate our sons 23rd birthday and see his new apartment. His new place is much nicer than the last one. He actually has a closet in his bedroom now.( WooWHO!!) It is also in a much better section of the city. It reminded me of Greenwich village. He can walk or bicycle everywhere. He is close to a beautiful park which often holds concerts or plays. He is surrounded by friends. He is really happy. That's basically what it is all about. We all have hopes, dreams and high expectations for our kids. The one really important accomplishment however is happiness. Why is it, that we don't focus enough on that one? If you have a depressed child, it's the only thing you focus on and wish for. But, a kid with no serious problems, we tend to over look that and focus on superfluous accomplishments.
What I am trying to say is I am happy he is happy.
We ate dinner at an Italian restaurant but for dessert I wanted to see the restaurant where he works as the head cook. Yes, this was a surprise to us too. After working there for only 3 days, they promoted him to head cook! When I had heard this, I pessimistically imagined he worked in a dive. Well, Not at all! This Vietnamese upscale restaurant was immaculate, decorative and expensive. The owner was friendly and told us how much potential she saw immediately in our son. He makes crepes ( yes, crepes in a vietnamese restaurant) better than she does. She carried on so much about how much they value him and his talents! I was beaming! He was sweet enough to credit me as his cooking role model, although I know that's not true, the kid is just a natural. The desserts were not only delicious but presented beautifully and the lovely owner insisted they be on the house. It was an enjoyable day! The next day he took the trip back home with us, so that he could visit with us and his friends for a few days. It is such a treat to have my boy back home for a little while anyway. We used to spend so much time together ( which I think I took for granted). Who knew how fast time would fly and take my baby with it. Now, when I get to see him, I savor each conversation, each hug even each disagreement. I savor each morsel of our visit like his patrons savor each drop of his yummy food.
(This picture of us is probably from about 8 years ago. Isn't he a sweetie pie?)
so true ... at the end of the day, all i really want for my son is happiness : ) it is so amazingly wonderful to read the pride coming through your words and that is such a beautiful photo of the two of you!!
What a wonderful son you've raised - no wonder you're proud of him.
I have trouble concentrating if the music is too loud. It seems as though I'm always asking my boyfriend to turn down the volume. I'll have to pay attention to see if it affects my sense of smell.
"The one really important accomplishment however is happiness. Why is it, that we don't focus enough on that one?"
I like your point of view. I see so many parents that only want their kids to accomplish goals, forgetting that happiness is what counts in the long run.
it is so true Lu!! and I am so happy to hear you had a great trip and visit :)
Lucy how proud you must be, after all, "they learn what they live!" Good job, cheers to the lulu's! That's for the hubby!! I owe you an email...I will try to get to it! What a great kid you have! I hope you have a wonderful visit! I remember the first post I read of yours had cooking on it! I knew we had that in common! Seed doesn't fall far from the tree eh? That’s Canadian, a little reminder that Canada Day is on Sunday!!! haha
Hugs Giggles
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