I am done buying things On Sale. What constitutes a sale anyway? Did you ever wonder about that? Sure , there is merchandise that just isn't moving or popular, so they lower the price and we may settle for it. What about MEAT? Is that somedays less popular than others? NO! Recently my local butcher who is very friendly and usually has wonderful meat,
( DON'T even go there!!) said to me- " Lu, Are you interested in hamburgers, they're on sale- 12 burgers for 8.99.." that seemed like a good price, I like to keep them in the freezer for a quick dinner. Well, I was sick as a dog all night! I think he was overloaded with old beef, so he ground it into a quick sale, despite the consequences to his loyal (stupid) customers.
Also, recently there was a sale on pens at my local grocery store- Stop and Shop. Hmmmm, I think ... My son looses a pen a day at school.... let me stock up on some while they are so cheap. Well, guess what may be another reason for a sale- damaged items!
While using one of these pens, I look down to see TWO huge ink spots on my brand new blouse...." Holy Shit, this pen is leaking" and I throw it out. A week later my son has a huge ink spot on his jeans pocket where another bad pen was. The clincher that made me realize the whole lot was bad and I need to throw away the whole bunch... My husband had one in a little wire caddy he keeps all his eyeglass stuff in, you know... bottle of cleaner, little soft cloth, eyeglass case.... WHAT A MESS all over my kitchen table. ( thank goodness, the wood is covered by a glass top). This all reminded me of a wise thing my mother in law always told me.... " you have to be very rich to buy cheap" Which is so true, when you spend more and buy good quality it usually lasts and prevents you from having to buy it again and again. So that is that, No more sale item temptations........ (well, maybe only in the shoe dep't.)..........or handbags? but THAT'S IT! I MEAN IT!!
2 days ago
I agree. Too often I've been tempted by a great price on something that turned out to be of no quality. There are definitely times that works and others when it's a waste. The last t-shirt I bought on sale is now hanging in the closet with the hem coming out. And that after just three washings. But to have your "deal" ruin other things...yikes.
I like your MIL's advice. Sound thinking. Not that I don't get taken in by some of the sales. But the woman is on to something there.
Ah yes, shoes and handbags...on sale...my weakness...
Lu-hairspray will take ink stains out of fabric. Give it a try-I KNOW you have some hairspray around!
Mr. local butcher possibly did grind a few old roasts and such into the ground beef. Now if it was a chain store they are held to higher standards. I always go where there is a high volume of traffic, better sales, and more likelihood of freshness. Shop closer to the weekend. Never buy fish on Mondays or Tuesdays unless its flash frozen from the get go! I am a sale monger, but I only buy what I need, I cherry pick all the time. I buy volume of what I need on sale. It’s a good way to save money. I don’t like generic brands though. I doubt that it was a Bick pen that splattered. I think that’s the secret. Dollar stores are good but only at your discretion! I am a phenomenal shopper, but I don’t hesitate to return it if I have been duped. Take what’s left of those burgers back, and explain your disdain, if there are none left, speak up anyway. Those old butchers can be quite cocky, stand up to them. Take it from a meat wrapper of twenty years, he probably conned you…. If you don’t feel happy when you leave, then don’t go back. Sorry to hear about those pens that should be addressed too…imagine if the store had to replace all the items of clothing…would they be so ready to sell them off at a loss…I doubt it. Should have been sent back to the original manufacturer. Don’t stop cherry picking…..it does save a pile of money. However I do love those quality items too....don't we all??? Shoes and bags you go girl!!!
Hi Lucy,
Your whole on-sale "meat" experience recently occurred to my friend, Ernestine (and believe me, that was the last thing she needed happening!)
She had purchased an on-sale steak.
Next thing you know, she's sicker than a dog and was taken to emergency at the hospital where they had to get rid of the poison. She was in the hospital at least a few days. And your mother-in-llaw was right yet again...a lovely hospital bill to have to deal with.
Glad you're feeling better (and also the same with your son! Great news!!)
Love ya,
so agree ~ i am always way to tempted by a sale and end up buying things i don't need or whose quality is very suspect ...
but shoes ... i don't know, i stalk them until they go on sale, lol ~ can i really give up the shoes? lol
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