The spice of life seems different as we go through a particular stage
From Spicy foods to Spicy Sex our tastes mellow as we age
In our 20's we enjoy spicy lobster fra diovolo sauce
followed by steamy sex on secluded sandy beaches
Our 30's we enjoy a healthy salad toss
with a victory kiss on the little league bleachers
In our 40's we discover Fra Diovolo= Awful stomach pain
As we're introduced to acid reflux and cronic weight gain
So we spice up our 40's with Extra fiber sprinkled on our Bran Flakes
As we add pepcid to our glucosamine for all those nasty joint aches
Then our 50's! Viagra brings back the spice of our youthful being
As does our new progressive lenses, (we realize we were hardly seeing)
In our 60's the spice of life is a quiet noon time snooze
and feeling awfully naughty if awake for the 10:00 news
The 70's seem pretty spicy just to be amongst our friends
enjoying long talks, short walks (thank god we've got depends)
Through our 80's and beyond our grateful seniors have found
the spiciest stage is now 'cause it's so hot still being around!

Very cute. I like the 40's with fiber and the 80's when just being alive is spicy. :-)
I think I go backward for some of your spicy content. we had our five kids early so some of the sexy spicy is coming back in our late 30's...
As for food, I am really hoping the 40's don't mean I'll have to give it up!
I like the last line of your poem best... I hope I can realize sooner than 80 that it is spicy to just be around!
HAHAHAHA GIRL you have got to see "the secret".....I hope you didn't just put that out there!! I am NOT wearing depends....This is so darn true it's scary....I have the progressive lenses.....and I like lots of bran...and fat is where I'm at....hahaha you are a hoot....Excellent poem...full of humor....girl you are gifted. This is just what a needed!
Hugs Sherrie
I thought it was witty (I can not write poetry to save my own skin.) Thanks for a smile this morning.
I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for making me laugh..:)
Hey, you did a great job! This was so cute- and really, so spot-on! I am at the 40's stage but doing pretty good so far!
LOL!!!! One of your best Sunday Scribblings! I love it :)
Delightful! I've just can't get used to my progressive lenses. lol
Wow! I am so happy to hear such supportive comments. You guys make me want to rhyme some more! thanks :))
Lucy, that was very creative. I loved the ending about it being spicy just still being around. I have many septuagenarian friends who will tell that is exactly right!
Lucy -
A wonderful bit of writing... ;)
I'm in my 60's, and not yet to the Viagra stage, but I'll probably get there -- the wife is 16 years my junior, and is still quite affectionate. No complaints from me, mind you.
Great read... thanks!
It was a wonderful poem. Very Witty!
This was very clever. I loved the part about "realizing we were hardly seeing" -- that's exactly what happened to me! In my forties though, sigh...
Dear Ms. Lucy,
I go out-of-town to teach for a week and come back to some of the best posts you've ever written. 'course all your posts are wonderful, but these last ones are FANTASTIC! You go, you poet girlfriend.
And your pups are adorable, I might add. Just like their "bitch"...that's bitch in dog terms only!!!
What delightful verse, and so true.
Thanks for visiting.
Popping a glucosamine and Tums as I type!
Awesome post Lucy! Happy Monday!!
hee hee ~ this was freaking wonderful : )
Perfect! Bring on the poetry - you've got it.
Not silly! Very clever. I especially liked your ending.
Loved your list! Very sweet and great job with the poetry too!
Love the fire!
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