First I want to wish every Mom a very special Mothers Day! Hope it's a day where you finally put your feet up and take a break from doing... EVERYTHING!!! I think NO ONE but a Mom really knows about what we manage to perform every single day, every single year... The energizer bunny has NoTHInG on us Moms! I will accept this special day and readily take any of the special stuff my family wants to bestow on me! I KnOW I deserve at least ONE freaking day a year to be WOrsHiped! Lay it on me babies!
As for the Sunday Scribblings prompt... a different kind of Healing came to mind... and being it's Mothers Day EVE and I am already in my 'treat me like a F**#ing goddess ' mode.. I will boldly go with it.. HEEling my crazy Pets!
I don't know when it happened but my dogs have gone bonkers. The incessant barking is driving me absolutely CRAZY! (Would like to have thrown another explicative in front of crazy, but I am already showing way too much of my current grumpy mood.) According to my favorite little adorable TV dog trainer.. Caesar Milan,The way to correct the barking is to first give these crazy dogs a job. They NEED to be walked every day. I feel awful to admit that I am such a lazy dog owner. Instead of walking them, I open the back-door for them! My dogs run around a lot in our fenced in back yard. (My youngest son is on doody duty.) BEING an ever so busy working Mom... this has been an easy solution in making us all happy. (well, maybe not 'doody' boy)
So, it is time to take on YET another task to perform. Walking these two Nuts. As soon as we take the leashes out, Cosmo just starts yapping. I make him sit and stay and won't walk him till he quiets down. Molly Just pulls us with all the strength from her incredibly strong Fat Ass.
She also has been known to poop while she is walking without missing a step... just poops along in the street as we go! (totally cracks us up!)
miss molly
"HEEL!" "SIT!" "QUIET! " (My neighbors are just loving us) I am still not sure HOW or WHEN all this heeling will eventually sever their vocal cords (Caesar hasn't elaborated much about that) No sooner do we get back in the house and they hear ONE tiny sound outside... The chorus begins! Molly with her deep baritone Woofs and Cosmo with his High-pitched weeny soprano Yap Yap Yaps, they just go right through me!!
I think it is going to take a lot more heeling lessons before we see miraculous results. But like they say.. every cloud has it's silver lining. Besides how happy this must be making Molly and Cosmo feel, this has also been a great way to coax my youngest son to take walks with me around the neighborhood, allowing for some nice talks and as always, something to crack up over. (btw.. Street doody cleanup became ANOTHER MOM job, as Doody boy doesn't like to touch doody with a baggie and we can't bring his GIant pooper scooper along for the walk)
(There better be a lot of ass kissing tomorrow!)
*** mothers day update... My youngest son just had THE best idea... Multiple kids? Multiple Mothers days each year! I still have TWO more to celebrate!! :)
mr. cosmo
1 day ago
yes every cloud has a silver lining and then every cloud has so much of white that the silver disappears :(
i think i m sulking
Happy SS
Enjoyed this post, and I like the way you turned the word to heeling.
Nicely done.
first and foremost "happy mothers day!!!!!" may you be treated like a queen all day...
and second ,, girl, my dogs wouldn't know what sit stay heel meant if they spoke the queens english.. they are dogs for christ's sake not children.... if anyone knows how frustrating it can be to have a dog that doesn't do a thing i tell her to it is me,, as my inga at just six months is the wildest spunkiest dog i have ever had and she runs me ragged.....
i do walk them on occasion, but three is a bit much so i mostly only do it when my friend, who just happens to be a professional dog walker comes by and helps... they have two solid acres to play on, if they cant find something to do then i highly doubt i can help them........
Oh man, I hear ya. Am saddled with barkers too. Am also a lazy dog owner and will take your 'lead' and get them a-walking tomorrow too.
Happy Mom Day!
Oh man, I hear ya. Am saddled with barkers too. Am also a lazy dog owner and will take your 'lead' and get them a-walking tomorrow too.
Happy Mom Day!
Remind me not to walk down the street behind Molly! Fantastic take on this prompt which most people have taken so so seriously (except me of course!!)
I have been using the sit, heel, stay on my husband and it seems to be working well. He too poops on the side of the road and keeps on
Awww sweetie I feel your pain. ;) I don't walk my yapper either but we love them anyways.
If you put your husband and Cosmo in the trunk for 30min who do you think would be happy to see you when you open the trunk? LOL
Thank you for always bringing a smile to my face. Cheers mama!
dogs are somethin else :)
i like them though! a lot.
They are so adorable! And I like your son's idea. Do step-kids count? If so, I get four more days. If not, one more day would be so nice.
Sorry I haven't been around much lately.
Hmm. I liked the play of words!
cat story
Happy Mother's Day, Mrs. Irons His Pants!
I ended up not doing an SS this week, but I had thought of "heeling" as well. Lovely post.
Aw multiple mothers days!! Hope you had a great day! As for the heeling, there is no way my dog is ever going to learn that. He is the worst. He likes to start walking back home when you're not looking, so you look around for him - and there he is by the back gate waiting to be let in so he can go back to sleep!
Love your take on the prompt - I remember training a dog - heeling wasn't really healing, after all. :) Sooper post.
I just loved this sunday scribbling and wished I had done it! But alas time is slipping by and I haven't managed to do much blogging.... I know you get it!! This was a joyful read...and I get it having had a bad boy dog for years!! I even watch at the end of my leash in hope of being a better dog mother next in (not spoil them into being the boss of me)
Hugs Giggles
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