Today I did some math in my loopy head...
There are 65 days left of summer...
I have messy drawers and cabinets all over my home that
are overwhelming me and making me crazy.
I cannot bear to spend a summer day off
cleaning all day. And drawers?? They are worse
than dusting!! So.. I came up with The Perfect plan!
To begin, I started counting the messy drawers..
let's see... the desk I sit at to blog.. has 7 messy drawers...
Two of our bedrooms? (the older kids are on their own)
26 messy drawers (I need more fingers..)
but let me see.. so far...33..
then the kitchen? Yikes... 10 more
(EAsy adding 10) .. we're now at 43..
two more in dining area..45
Okay... So here is my brilliant Solution to this mathematical clutter equation ..
Do only ONE drawer each day and still have 20 days to spare! I CAN have these
all clean before autumn! Why didn't I think of it sooner?! and ONE drawer?.. i mean
HOW long can ONE take?.. I will start with ONE messy top desk drawer RIGHT NOW...
(hang on a sec...)
Gee that was REALLY easy, easy as pie! ... I just grabbed all the crap and threw it in the bottom
drawer of the desk. but, let me think... if I do that each day, then by day 7 I will have ONE very big job that will most likely be an all day job which will totally overwhelm me again...
I cannot BEAR to waste a summer day with this kind of job!!
(I was never very good at Math or planning )
Hilarious!! I feel the exact same way!!! Maybe you can do what Barbara Sher suggests.....while you are brushing your teeth...look around the room and throw out at least six things a day... doesn't have to be while brushing your teeth...that was an example....but when you are doing something else...look around at what six things a day you can get rid of....my friend Laura does it.... I still don't...lol
Do what I say not what I do...not good at math either!!
Big hugs from the clutter queen!
save the drawer cleaning for the freezing days of winter when there is nothing better to do.. thats why they close in the first place!!!
thats why mother nature gives us rainy days and snow days.
Love you stories Lucy. One drawer a day seems easy to tackle. Sounds like a good way to beat the problem to me, a bit at a time.
My advice is get some bigger drawers :-)
You planned that post perfectly.
LOL I did one drawer today for basically the same reason and out of total necessity, but all that stuck in my head was 65 days left.
I've only had 3 here that even qualify as summer - in fact I'm still waiting on spring bulbs to bloom it's been so cool here!
OK, so maybe I am a little neurotic or compulsive or something, but all of my drawers are cleaned out. I am tackling closets in a couple of weeks. I hate clutter.
It was a great post though, made me laugh.
I liked "Queens" idea...wait for snow or rain.
but then those days are put aside for a warm fire, cup of toddy and a good book
better stick to the original
Haha very overwelming yes even for me in winter and how long do they stay tidy for anyway
Laughing...this sounds exactly like how my plans turn out.
Oh Lucy!! You are so funny :)
When I clean out a drawer or closet I take out all the contents, find a large place to spread them out, and then make decisions on what goes where.
I like your one-drawer-a-day-plan!
Peace & love,
Fun stuff. I've got it all planned out to take one night aweek and pare stuff down before I move into my loft. So far, I've found other things to occupy my time.
The Plan
Great plan. But I've decided to love my clutter enough to leave it to my survivors. Grin.
Ah, I needed that smile this morning, Lucy.
I can't bear the thought of spending my weekends cleaning. I prefer to clean in the evenings after work, if at all :)
That's actually a very good plan! I hope you stick to it! One a day is do-able
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