Like I needed one more job?! It's a long story.. but it is really adding some excitement to my little salon! It seems whatever I am wearing for the day is the item the ladies desire! they are so cute!
Speaking of my ladies... This year so many of them are really moving me with their love. I think it is a sign of our times, but so many clients/friends and old friends who I don't see as often as we would like, have been so much more affectionate this year. I am getting "i love you's" left and right and it feels so wonderful hearing people expressing themselves so lovingly.
One very dear friend/client shocked me with a gift certificate for 10 zumba lessons! It was so generous and so thoughtful. Another gave me a gift certificate to my favorite nail salon.
Did you ever see that Honeymooners episode where Ralph buys Alice that little box made of sticks but she gets the same one from a friend?? I was reminded of that with the above mentioned gifts. After I received the zumba lessons, my husband looked so disappointed. When I questioned him, He confessed.. That was his gift idea for me! Then came the other G.C. and the same shocked look on his face... That was his Second choice! He sat me down and told me what a dilemma he was having, because he could not think of One other thing that I would want or need. To tell this story correctly.. I must first tell you that I've been telling him HOW BADLY I want christmas lights on our home. (he Hates doing this job and curses every year!) A couple of weeks ago we had a beautiful sunny day.. so he set out to put up the lights, after hours of frustration over a new outlet not working/ tangled lights/ burnt out bulbs/ well.. over EVERYTHING! He came in cursing and saying NO LIghts this year! I was so disappointed, but left him alone a couple of days, before I said .. Can't you just do a few bushes?? He said ... I just can't! I am so sorry! Sooo..... Back to Mr. Petals dilemma.... Yep! I looked him in his beautiful hazel almond shaped eyes and very sensitively began by saying.... "honey.. I don't need anything under the tree to unwrap. I don't want a gift in a box with a bow with a price tag... I JUST REALLY WANT THE F***ING LIGHTS PUT UP!!
Well.. here it is! All my shrubs have lights! To make my Christmas gift even more beautiful, today, mother nature dropped two feet of snow on them!
If I don't get back to the blog again before hand... wishing every one a very happy, loving, beautifully LIT Christmas!
Merry Christmas Lucy. Oh, and the lights look fab. f**king or not. ;)
Did mr. petals throw in the snow as a extra gift? lol
Your house is beautiful.. the lights make it all the more so.
Have a Merry Christmas all you Petals family peoples.
Love from the Hot Buttah house. =)
Your lights look lovely especially with the sprinkling of snow. We are totally snowbound here at the moment so the white christmas we always dream about seems a near certainty this year!Have a great holiday season. x
It looks awesome! I had to practically cry to get some greenery up this year. He said no way to lights. I'm still pouting. LOL
Your home looks so pretty! And lights or not, the snow does make everything beautiful. Merry Christmas!
Christmas car lovely sandy
I love seeing snow on top of the lights.
Love your house! Wow, you're lucky to have snow! Like your blog, great header. Love the art work!
You crack me up, Lucy. And I'm soooo jealous of the snow.
Does your family celebrate Festivus? :)
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