Yesterday I had such a stressful day! My 23 year old son went in for minor surgery, but let's face it... if you're having anesthesia.. NO surgery is minor.. I was a WRECK! It's not something you plan or expect on being, but any Momma out there knows, You worry over your kids! No matter their age!
Having had 3 sons, Trust me when I tell you, I've been through many injuries and broken bones and surgeries. BUT..You never get immune to it all. Each time I find myself totally spent when all is said and done. To make it even more stressful, I had promised long time clients I would do their hair later on in the day, a promise I made BEFORE he had the date for surgery and a promise I felt bad to cancel, since they were going on vacation. (always trying to be the good business woman). After the clients, I felt that maternal need to make my son his favorite dinner.Which meant a trip to the grocery store! When we finally were done with cooking and dinner and he was feeling okay and settled in... My husband and I then had to attend a wake for a friends Mom. When I finally came home, I thought I was going to just collapse in my bed. BUT.. my sweet, recuperating son Asked us to watch INglorious Basterds with him. So we settled down in our comfy Den with two of our kids and watched the film.. I was SO surprised by how much I loved this movie! Only Tarantino can make you laugh and cringe at the same time! I thought Bradd Pitt did an amazing job!
Today, the patient is doing so much better than I expected he would. The doc told me he was going to be in Lots of pain. Thankfully, he isn't! I was so busy at work today, I would have felt awful if he was in pain and I was at work. One of the highlights of my day today.. was when one of my ladies, who I love so much, brought me a MeATbaLL! (I'm always telling my family.. that I don't get enough meatballs in my life!) She was so cute, she had just made them and it was still hot! I was so busy all day, and knew I wouldn't get time for lunch. ThAT meatball REALLY hit the spot! It was a florentine meatball, a recipe she got from Rachel Ray.. that I WILL defintily be making for tomorrows dinner! Later in the day, Another client kept asking what my husband was getting me for Valentines day.. I explained to her that we weren't exchanging gifts this year. She kept saying...OH No! He WILL get you a'll see... (she is in her 70's and very sweet).. I said.. No,Angie.. I will be mad at him if he does, We are not spending money on gifts. I didn't get him anything. And again...she smiled and said..Oh lu... You'll see.. I bet he comes home with something tonight! ( she was so sure of MY husband!?) how funny, no??
but I knew I was right, I recently bought new expensive bras and underwear and he and I agreed.. Let's consider that my valentines gift, since we're on a budget.
Welll... I guess I should call Angie tomorrow and make her smile...
Mr. petals ( or should I call him Mr. WonderfuL?) Walked in the door from work tonight.... SMilING from ear to ear with A box from my favorite bakery with my favorite blackout cake AND a gift certificate for a fancy pedicure! You know what? I wasn't mad at all! I just hugged him and said 'the answer is YES!!!' he asked 'Yes???" YES!! I will be your valentine for the 33rd year!
Hope everyone has a special day tomorrow! Give some love and you will surely get it back.♥ ♥
mmmm this is the actual cake from our bakeries website! mmmm
1 week ago
That is a win win won't scratch him with your long toenails, and he gets to eat cake too!!! lol
Glad you made it through that tough day!! It was very romantic, but I know you would have been perfectly fine without it!!!Because you have a man who is romantic daily, in all his wonderfully thoughtful ways!! You are truly blessed!! It's a rare love you have!! Enjoy...the cake and the pretty toadies....
Love Giggles
Ps I KNOW you don't have long scratchy toe nails, because like me you probably couldn't stand them against your own love you!!!
So glad your son's surgery went well and you had a terrific Valentine's Day. Your hubby is a keeper. I still need to watch Baterds. Just haven't gotten around to it yet. happy Valentine's Day!
Diana/giggles.. You guys always make me smile! xox
Hey Lucy - what a great post! I'm so glad your son is doing well. I'm not a fan of other Tarantino movies, but I *really* enjoyed Inglorious Bastards!
Your husband - what a great guy. I think you should keep him for the next 33 years!
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