For writers Islands 'dream' prompt I decided to post 2 older posts from February & March of this year. I was having such Weird reoccurring dreams then. I am so grateful that they have stopped and I'm back to sleeping like a baby not even remembering any of my dreams. Like the 2nd to last paragraph describes... this is my built in dvd mechanism.... playing an older adventure... A repeat for my long time buddies but a 'new release' to my new friends.
Feb. 18, 2007-
On many nights I have been dreaming about babies. The bizarre thing is, I am always being neglectful of the baby. I am going about my different activities, and all of a sudden, it's like the light bulb goes off and I remember I have a baby who has not been changed or fed or held! I'm not sure if it is one of my own babies or if I am watching someone's baby. It's very disturbing and I always wake feeling very upset. One night I had a similar one about puppies.
( baby dogs). This one was more horrific because unlike the babies who are soiled, hungry and upset- These puppies were totally forgotten about in my basement. After the whole summer went by I finally remembered them and when I ran downstairs to rescue them they had disintegrated and only Huge golden powder puffs of fur were blowing around like tumble weeds! It was like a horror movie! I woke up from this one terrified! My husband thought I was influenced by that horrible scene in the movie Superman Returns, where one dog eats another. I had watched that movie a few nights before the dream. That doesn't explain the numerous forgotten baby dreams. My girlfriend thinks it means that I have way too much on my mind and I have been very forgetful, so I am worried I may forget something important. I'm not sure she is right. I am wondering If I am the baby? Am I feeling I don't take good care of myself? I do feel dreams are important puzzle pieces, illustrating what we are feeling subconsciously. What do you think? What crazy dreams do you repeatedly have? I would really love to understand these dreams. But, for tonight, I am hoping to forget them and just sleep like a baby.
March 11, 2007
I recently wrote about dreams, because mine have been disturbing lately. So the prompt this week, Dream Journey- made me question what path I took to get here. What dreams have led me to these troubled ones? Is there a connection? The fact that my new dreams are reoccurring is reminding me of reoccurring dreams I had during my dreadful high school years. My high school dreams were about escaping. I was running through a fun house type of house. Opening doors only to realize it was a dead end. Panicky and frightened, I kept trying to get out. The weird thing is even back then I was holding a child's hand, Not as young as the recent nightmares, but still representing a dependent, innocent. I had this dream sometimes 3 times a week. Always waking disturbed and puzzled. I remember questioning my psychology teacher and his interpretation was, I was trying to escape a troubling situation and the child I was dragging was My inner child, the Naive, gullible part of me. ( he elected me "most gullible", because one day the bell didn't sound the same, when I questioned it, he told me the man that usually made that noise was out sick so it was a substitute making the new sound! I can't even believe I was ever THAT gullible!) A few months after I moved out of my moms home, I realized those dreams had stopped. Giving me a great understanding of what was troubling me. When I was feeling happy and less stressed so were my dreams. Through the years I have had a few memorable nightmares, In vivid color, as exciting and suspenseful as a hitchcock flick. But it's those reoccurring dreams that stick with me. It's so curious, that we can repeat the same theme and images. It's like we have a built in dvd player and are too lazy to think up a new adventure some nights. Just hit play and watch it again.
I don't think these "neglected baby" dreams have anything to do with escaping. The fact that they are reoccurring may be the only thing they have in common with those old dreams. As far as stress goes, I have been feeling less stressed than I have in years. I feel like a totally different woman than who I was in December. I made a few life changes and I make a conscious effort each day to stop and smell the roses, and stop and realize how lucky I am. So maybe the journey has become me forgetting about the inner me, because she doesn't need my help anymore. She is independent a little less innocent and happy, real happy and grateful for being so.
2 days ago
i too lost my reoccurring dream when i moved out of my parents house.. strange isn't it.. the one place n tis wold tat should bring comfort????
Like Jung, I believe that dreams are like poetry ... a unique language that is trying to describe our emotional landscape. xx, JP/deb
I too find that even though there are universal themes, those dreams and images are yours to find the meaning and the truth that fits you. I really appreciated this journey into your dreamscape!
Rarely do I dream anymore...but when I read your post, old dreams jumped up. I really enjoyed reading the chronology of your dreams and the descriptive words you chose.
Two very interesting tales. Having never experienced recurring dreams I really don't know what effect they have on people. But I don't think I'd like one!
The dream was odd and weird, but I really liked you taking us through your porcess. That was the best part. Dreams are so personal and often the obvious is true and often it isn't. You are different now and so are your dreams.
30 day organizational challenge. It's not too late to join! And I am getting things done I wouldn't do otherwise.
Oh such unique dreams you do have, I can never remember any of mine really, except this one of 'free falling' and never hitting the ground! Everytime I see it, I scare myself pretty bad.
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