You are a very special someone with a very special heart
You made me feel quite special from the very special start
Warm welcoming arms opening as others turned away
You eased my heartache and lessened my dismay
Year after year our bond of friendship and love grew
Year after year I have always treasured and Loved you
You sure put a twist on a typically unpopular role
You sure are a 'stellar' example of a caring, vibrant soul
Your Contagious laughter never fails to make me smile
You are- Effervescence, class, intelligence and style
You're genuine, fair... Stell! I'm having difficulty finding any flaw!
You are So much More a Mom to me than a mother- in- law
My heart holds for you a very special love a very special spot
I think of your encouragement, understanding and kindness a lot
I wish you love, health and many happy years to thrive
And I wish you a special heartfelt Happy Birthday... #75!
Miscellaneous is my prompt but a loving mother in law is my inspiration
Those are the nicest words I have ever heard said about a mother-in-law. I can see that she is indeed a special lady.
this is so beautiful ... i feel the same way about my mother-in-law and feel so incredibly lucky :)
happy birthday to your loving mother in law ... have a beautiful weekend, xox
The two of you are luckier than you might imagine.
Wonderful poem from the heart.
wow, and lots of people are trying to figure out ways to kill their in-laws without getting prosecuted. You really are special and I don't mean in the short bus kind of way.
I can only hope to be as magnificent a Mother in Law...Happiest 75th to your beautiful Mom! I know she fills many a void. You are truly blessed, as is she! Wonderful tribute to a special lady! No doubt she will be thrilled and honored to know of her high ranking!!
Love to you Both!
what a loving tribute... you are both lucky to have each other.....
You brought a tear to a cynical fellas eye. A lovely piece and a moving tribute.
Unfortunately my path is littered with ex-mothers in law (or should it be mother in laws?)so you are descibing something I will never experience.
What a wonderful tribute to an obviously wonderful woman! Love the pic of the two of you! xx, JP/deb
That is so sweet. I haven't done my Sunday Scribbling yet. I enjoyed yours.
A lovely tribute to a mother-in-law who would probably say similar things about her special daughter-in-law. Really nice post!
How lucky you are to have each other. My MIL too was like a second mother to me. I loved her deeply and miss her every day.
We have a long tradition in the UK of the 'mother-in-law joke'. This was a nice antidote.
happy birthday Stell, wonderful post...your poems are lovely lucy, btw, I just did your tag too.!! At last!
many people don't get along with mom-in-in-laws.
well I do.
but I see you more than just get along..
so sweet...
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